Another Possible Chance (2/2 Seasons)

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Its been a few years.

Jimin and Taehyung were in college, Yoongi was still teaching and everything was fine. But with Jimin, it was kind of awkward seeing Taehyung after what has happened years ago. He tried to forget it; He failed to.

Yoongi and Jimin were happily enjoying themself being together. They were still planning on their wedding and what day to do it on since it was time they needed to confirm that they were together with just a simple slip with their signatures and rings.


Jimin was lying on the couch studying for exams, he felt so tired, so stressed since he stayed up all night and think. The door unlocked and opened, which made Jimin look over seeing Yoongi. He didn't say anything at all as he closed the door letting his stuff fall off his shoulders and going up to Jimin.

"You ok?" Jimin asked putting his journals and books down. "I'm just stressed from today and wanted to just be with you." Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's body closing his eyes. "Well whenever my exams are over and you get a day off, then we can have all the time we need.." They laughed at that cause it's been awhile since they actually took time to be together.

"Go to bed kitten." Yoongi kissed Jimin's cheek. "Ok, ok. Can we cuddle for tonight..?" Jimin pouted. "Sure." Yoongi grabbed the TV remote turning off the TV and putting the remote down. He laid down with him, they both fell asleep together all cuddled up.


It was the next morning, Jimin woke up to see Yoongi was gone. 'He probably went to work early..' He thought and sat up before checking the time. "FUCK! I'M GONNA BE LATE!" He screamed then running to his room to get changed quickly and them going to the bathroom as quick as he could to do his morning routine and getting dressed.

Jimin shoved all of his things in his bag and rushing out of the door running down the sidewalk.

"Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck.. FUCK." He kept mumbling curse words under his breath as he soon arrived at the front of the building and rushing through the halls to his lesson, he busted through door panting heavily. "Oh, Jimin you were almost late to my class." The teacher turned to look at him. "Y-Yeah.. I'm very sorry.." Jimin apologized and walked over to his seat sitting down beside Taehyung. "Did your daddy not wake you?~" Taehyung teased making Jimin hit the other's shoulders playfully with a smile. "Shut the hell up Tae." Taehyung laughed softly as the teacher went back to the lesson


Jimin and Taehyung were sitting around in the library since they had free hours on their hands while they did have their free hours, they both took this time to study together.

Later on before their free time was over, both were packing their stuff in their bags. "Hey Jimin," Taehyung spoke up looking at him. "Hm.. What?" Jimin looked back at him. "I know this is all sudden and everything, but sorry about what happened.." Taehyung looked down at the ground; Jimin was very confused of what he was talking about. "What are you..? Oh." It suddenly popped in his head. "Its just that.. I've had feelings for you since we've meet in Elementary and once I saw you and Yoongi together, I felt heartbroken. But y'all are happy together, I don't want to budge in and mess up in between the two of y'all again." Taehying sighed as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

Jimin felt like he was gonna burst into tears after hearing Taehyung's words. He did himself like him but when Yoongi entered his life, it all changed; Jimin became distant with Taehyung. "Tae.. Its fine that all of that had to happen.. We make mistakes in our life, right?" Taehyung nodded understanding everything. "Yeah we do at one point.." Jimin smiled softly before grabbing Taehyung's hand gently. "Lets go take a break and something to drink."

Taehyung flushed down in dark red just at the touch of Jimin's soft hand touch his own. "Ok."


Its was the end of the day, the classes ended a little early and still Yoongi was teaching. He decided to go suprise him while he can. "Hey Jimin," Someone called and Jimin turned to see Taehyung. "Whag is it?" He asked. "Where are you gonna go since class ended?" They both walked out of the building. "I'm gonna go see Yoongi.", "Isn't he still working?", "Yeah.. But I wanna surprise him.", "Oh.. Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then.", "Yeah." Taehyung started walking off in the distance before Jimin started walking into the direction of the highschool.


Jimin got to the school and headed to the office to get a guest pass, once he got it, he headed off to Yoongi's class. He knew he might be still teaching, but Jimin just wanted to visit him for a little bit.

He heard talking inside the room, which he assumed Yoongi was teaching or let the teens have a little freetime, just like Jimin when he was tgeir age. He knocked on the door and it turned silent, footsteps were heard on the other side of the door then the door opened....

And Jimin didn't expect what who was gonna answer...

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