No Crying.

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A/N] thank u :0 ghostofbangtan for edits and reading this story my friendo.

Previously on 'My Little Student'

"JIMIN WHY WEREN'T YOU AT GYM??' Tae busted in, grabbing onto Jimin, shaking him, "Its just about Namjoon ok.." Tae looked at him and saw the bite mark, but he didn't bother ask, "Ok, ok. Just needed to know."

Now we continue

It was finally the end of the day, Jimin decided about going to Yoongi to talk about something personal, basically what happened yesterday. As he walked down the empty halls, foot steps were only heard from him since every student had left the school since it wasn't a school night.

He knocked on the door and a voice was heard, "Come in." Jimin gulped nervously and opened the door, "Oh, Jimin, is there anything you need?" The older got up and went up to him, "U─Um.. I need to talk to you about.. Something thats happening with me and my mom." Yoongi sat Jimin down on the desk, "Go right ahead, I'm always here to let someone to talk to, especially you." Yoongi wrapped a arm around his waist, pulling him close. "U─Um.. Since cause of yesterday's events, my.. My mom noticed the hickey on my neck, she was furious about it cause.. U─Um.." Jimin stopped for a second, "Go on.", "She... Doesn't like me dating guys.." Jimin said, Yoongi huffed, "Is there anything behind it?" Yoongi asked, raising a brow at him, "Well, yes.. Its cause I was the reason for splitting up the family─ My dad started to figuring out that I'm gay and started abusing my mom, and saying to unadopt me and saying she's a bad mom. He then got a divorce and left without any trace.." Tears swelled up into the younger's eyes.

"Oh.. I'm sorry Jimin.." Yoongi hugged him tightly, trying to comfort him as he started to cry into his chest. "Life isn't the way it seems." Jimin looked up at him before leaning in and laying his lips on the others, it soon turned into a make out session.

Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling in closer and closer 'till there was no space in between them left. Thighs were rubbing against eachother as Yoongi's member got hard from Jimin rubbing his thigh up against his member. They parted their lips away, "Y─Yoongi.." The only words escaped the youngers lips before Yoongi grabbed his things, grabbed Jimin's wrist and headed out the classroom. "Mr.Min.. There's possibly no way to get out of here.. W─Without getting caught.." No one was really in the school at the time except hall monitors and people in the front office, "There is. You go in the back and wait for me there, I'll go to the front to go to the car." Jimin nodded slightly and headed down the halls to the back of the school while Yoongi went to the exit front doors so he could get to his car.

Yoongi grabbed his keys out of his right pocket of his jeans and clicked a button two times, making the locks click. He opened the driver's door, got in, putting his stuff in the back seat, closing the door and inserting the keys into the keyhole. He twisted it right and the engine roared, he backed up out of the parking space to the back of the school.

Jimin was waiting patiently for Yoongi to come by, he fiddled with the end of his pastel blue sweater as he then saw a 2018 Tesla Black car pull up. Jimin opened the passengers door, got in, closed the door and settled himself in before he nodded to Yoongi. He then started driving off.
It was a really quiet drive for almost half of it until a hand was laid on Jimin's thigh. He looked at Yoongi who was focusing on the road, he smiled before he looked back out the window for who knows how long until the car stopped and was parked. "You can leave your stuff in here if you want." Yoongi suggested and got out of the car. Jimin slipped his bag off and laid it in the seat as he got out, he closed the door behind and followed Yoongi. He didn't know what to say since the silence in the air thickened. Yoongi pulled a key out and got a specific one to unlock the door, Jimin entered and looked around in shock, "Nice place.." Jimin tried to cure the silence, but a door slammed and a lock had clicked, Yoongi's lips hungrily laid on Jimin's.

The older slammed Jimin up against the wall, pinning his hands above his head. He pulled away going to his neck, Jimin shivered violently. "Your my babyboy, Only mine."

𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 // 𝙔 𝙤 𝙤 𝙣 𝙢 𝙞 𝙣Where stories live. Discover now