My Little Student.

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[A/N] I'm only giving you this warning for the this chapter and the next that this is a 18+ chapter involving;
• intense sex
• strong language
So, I'm just warning you
Previously on 'My Little Student'

The older slammed Jimin up against the wall, pinning his hands above his head. He pulled away going to his neck, Jimin shivered violently. "Your my babyboy, Only mine."

Now we continue

"Y─YOONGI─ A─AH!" Painful screams filled the house as Yoongi kept sucking on every part of Jimin's small fragile body. Tears swelled up in his eyes. 'I never knew this would be this painful..' Soon he felt the sucking stop, everywhere started to swell. Yoongi picked Jimin up and headed up stairs to his room.

As they did, the silence was kind of scaring Jimin and the looks on the other's face made him more nervous of what Yoongi was gonna do with him. They got to the room. It was dark, but some light shined through the window near the bed, the bed with silk red sheets and there was something laying there. 'Harnesses? Belts? Sex toys─' Jimin thought until it was snapped by being put down and Yoongi's voice, "You'll be wearing those in a moment." Jimin shivered at the words. 'Should I run for it or keep foot?' He wanted to run but he was frozen in his place, 'I mean, I've never expected to do this with my teacher─'

Jimin was suddenly pulled and a tongue was exploring his mouth. He blushing insanely, he tried to pull away, but it only made matters worse. Yoongi smacked his ass, making Jimin moan in the kiss, 'What do I do..?' He thought as tears started to fall down his cheeks. It was to rough and painful to do this.

Yoongi saw him crying, he pulled away. "Are you okay? Did I do anything wrong?" Yoongi seemed like those rough guys who wouldn't care ([A/N] THIS IS SOME 365 DAY SHIT FUCK) "N-No.. Its just.. Its my first time." Jimin was embarrassed, for someone like him was shocking, "Ok, I'll go slow. If you feel like you want it to pace it up, then tell me ok?" Jimin nodded and they went back to what they were doing.

After who knows how long, they parted their lips away. "Hey, Jimin." The younger hummed and then the older pointed to the bed. "Put that on and we'll get it started ok?" Jimin nodded before walking to the bed, seeing pink harnesses. He looked back at Yoongi who nodded at him. He was gonna undress himself.. AND YOONGI WILL BE WACTHING?! Jimin inhaled and exhaled before he started to strip off his clothing and changing into the clothing. It was just some lingerie, bunny themed.

It suprisingly didn't take long to get into it. Strong arms wrapped around his small waist. "Lets get the real stuff started." Yoongi said huskily into Jimin's ear, making millions ants travel down his spine. Yoongi unwrapped his arms around his waist and pinned Jimin down onto the bed.

Yoongi outlined Jimin's body with his pointer finger making the younger want Yoongi to touch him more. "Y─Yoongi.. Don't tease me.." Jimin whimpered as he shifted his legs, "What will happen if I do?" Yoongi smirked and gently caressed Jimin's hips then slowly moving towards the other's member.

Yoongi traced his thumb against the member, making  Jimin moan softly and bucked his hips, "Y─Yoongi.. P─Please.." Yoongi didn't listen but just tease him more and more 'till he's satisfied.

After a minute or so, Jimin couldn't take it. He sat up with all of his strength since Yoongi tied his hands together. "P─Please daddy.. JUST FUCK ME ALREADY." Yoongi chuckled before taking off his pants. (btw, Jimin's member was already exposed if you didn't know) "Ready baby boy?", "Y─Yes.." Then it begun.

Yoongi thrusted his member into Jimin, making the younger moan painfully, "Ah~ its so tight.." Yoongi chuckled, grabbing a hold of his hips and thursted hard and fast, "D─DADDY! H─Harder.." Jimin begged, but Yoongi decided to do something else before he would go any harder. He wrapped an arm around the boy's waist and pulled him up, going deeper in this position. Then the other on the throat, choking Jimin before slamming into him. Drool was coming out of the youngers mouth, it was pleasuring to have this moment happen.

'I don't want this to end..' Jimin thought

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