Stop Acting.

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[A/N] I'm only giving you this warning for the this chapter that this is a 18+ chapter involving;
• intense sex
• strong language
So, I'm just warning you
[A/N] reading through this,, i'm actually flustered wtf-

Previously on 'My Little Student'
Yoongi thrusted his member into Jimin, making the younger moan painfully, "Ah~ its so tight.." Yoongi chuckled, grabbing a hold of his hips and thursted hard and fast, "D─DADDY! H─Harder.." Jimin begged, but Yoongi decided to do something else before he would go any harder. He wrapped an arm around the boy's waist and pulled him up, going deeper in this position. Then the other on the throat, choking Jimin before slamming into him. Drool was coming out of the youngers mouth, it was pleasuring to have this moment happen.

'I don't want this to end..' Jimin thought

Now we continue

After for gods who knows how long, Yoongi slowed up his pace for a moment, panting heavily and sweat was all in his hair, "Kitten." Yoongi spoke, "Y-Yeah..?" Jimin huffed heavily, "Lets play a little game." Jimin gulped nervously as the other smirked, "Hmm... Lets do the quiet game for you. Everytime if you make a sound, daddy gets to do whatever he wants to you." Jimin nodded slightly, 'This will be hard for me anyways.. Since its still my first time having sex..'

"Ready?" Yoongi chuckled, "Y-Yes." Yoongi kept his pace right where he stopped and pulled out, changing positions. Yoongi turned Jimin around, pushing him down on the bed and grabbing a hold of the other's legs and spreading them apart. He chuckled as he positioned himself near his entrance and thrusted back in, speeding it up once again, making Jimin moan, "Want me to stop?" Yoongi already knew Jimin would lose, so that's why he decided to do it, "N-No.." He already lost anyways, he just wanted this pleasuring moment. The only things in the room you could is slaps of their skin making contact, the bed creaking and Jimin's loud moans.

Jimin really didn't give a note or warning, but he cummed. He laid there, breathing for air, but guess who wasn't done. Yoongi, "Did I say it was over?" Yoongi thrusted harder than any other he made making the younger yelp in pain, "D─Daddy─" Jimin cried out, "Is my kitten being bad?" Yoongi questioned, "N-No.." Jimin looked to the side, "Then lets continue."
After times passed, Yoongi groaned and cummed inside of Jimin, it was warm when it entered him. Yoongi exited and laid next to Jimin, "T─That was fun..." Jimin panted as he turned to look at him, "Well, it was your first time anyways." Jimin smiled a little and laid his head onto the others chest. "But you forgot one thing kitten." Jimin raised a brow, "W-What did I f-forget..?" Yoongi laughed, "The game." Oh no.. Yoongi made Jimin look up at him, 'I don't know whats gonna happen, but Yoongi.. Looks like he's gonna do a lot..' Yoongi got up, pushing Jimin down on the bed. He slid his hand to Jimin's ass and smacked it. Jimin held in his scream, but he at least jumped a little. "I want you to strip for me and ride me." Jimin could feel the other grip his ass, "B─But what I wanna do something else?" Yoongi tilted his head, "Then what do you wanna do then kitten?" He questioned before Jimin moved off, pinning Yoongi down, "Woah─ you surprised me." He chuckled.

"You'll be more surprised~" Jimin giggled and leaned down the other's neck, biting down. A loud grunt left Yoongi's mouth, "F─Fuck.. Jimin.." He stuttered, this was new, "Aw~ Did I find your weakness?" Jimin teased, Yoongi was lost in his mind, "What if I had a little fun torturing you?"
Jimin kept teasing and finding many numerous weaknesses from Yoongi, which made Jimin cuff his hands to the bed and tie his legs as well, "J─Jimin.." Yoongi was still love in his world, just love bites all over his body, "Oh come on~ just one more round and I'll let you go." Jimin crawled on top, positioning himself over Yoongi's hard member then pushed himself down as he moaned loudly, "Jimin.. Better untie me and take these handcuffs off," Yoongi was slowly going into his dominant mind, Jimin shaked his head. The other raised a brow, "Kitten~" Jimin whined, "No~", "Wanna make me punish you hm?" Jimin shaked his head in response, "Then untie me."
"Y─Yoongi!" Jimin screamed, he had a cock ring on as there was a vibrator up his ass. His legs shaked and Yoongi adored that, "This is some of your punishment. Now deal with it for a bit till I'm satisfied." Jimin whimpered, he felt like he was gonna explode once that cock ring will be off. Its already been five minutes and Jimin was screaming and begging for the cock ring to be off so he could cum, "Should I?" Yoongi said as he went up to him, you could see in Jimin's eyes that was wanting to cum, "Fine, I'll let you this once." Yoongi slid off the cock ring, Jimin released immediately once it was off, he collapsed on the bed, panting and shaking. Yoongi turned off the vibrator and slid it out, causing the other to shiver.

Yoongi laid down next to him, covering their bodies with the sheets. Jimin cuddled up to Yoongi's chest, Yoongi wrapping a arm around Jimin's waist, "I love you..", "I love you too, kitten."

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