Heartbroken Part 2

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Stiles POV

I get up and change into a comfortable pair of jeans and a plain T-shirt and I top it off with my red hoodie. I grab my phone off the bed and place it in my hoodie pocket, then I climb out my window luckily my room is on the ground floor. Once I'm out I start walking and let the tears flow freely again. I just can't believe Derek would break his promise like that and I also can't believe he's getting married. It seems he really is over me and moved on. I bet he doesn't even remember the good times we had, I bet he doesn't even have one photo of us anymore. He probably burned them all or thru them in the trash, I bet he forgot about me the moment I left Beacon Hills.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I bump intosomething. I look around and see that I am in the park and I bumped into abench, so I take a seat and get my phone out I see the time is 2 AM. I quicklygo on my Facebook page and add a post saying I'm going to spend my summer on myUncle's ranch in Texas, then I put my phone away and just stare at the stars,crying silently into the night.

 I quicklygo on my Facebook page and add a post saying I'm going to spend my summer on myUncle's ranch in Texas, then I put my phone away and just stare at the stars,crying silently into the night

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Derek POV

It's 1 AM and I'm tossing and turning in bed I just can't fall asleep. I keep thinking about him and the last time I saw him, it's been so long. I wonder if Stiles is still the hyperactive spas he was back then and if not then what he is like these days. I just can't wait to see him again, only two more days then I can hold him again and tell him how much I've missed him. I also want to ask if he will be my best man at my wedding, yeah I know he'll probably say no but at least I can try. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. Imagining him with his goofy smile and beautiful hazel eyes, staring at me laughing at something I said while we are laying around watching movies all day.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I suddenly start coughing, so I look at my phone and see it's almost 2 AM. I get up and go downstairs to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. I stop next to the bookcase when I see the photo of Stiles sitting in my arms on the love seat a few weeks before he left. I look over at the love seat and I can see that day perfectly.


We were watching avengers seeing that Stiles chose since Scott said he could. Everyone was in their usual places where they always sat I was kissing Stiles on his neck and down his back. The next thing I knew he was facing me and straddling me, then he kissed me, and soon it turned into a full-blown make-out session. Just as it got heated Scott cleared his throat and we both looked at him. "We are here to watch the movie not to make out," he said so dryly.

Now everyone was staring at us, Stiles then moved back to his spot next to me and I just glared at Scott for breaking up our make-out session. I turned my head to look at the screen and then I saw it, Stiles was redder than a tomato. Soon everything went back to normal, after a few minutes I kissed him in the neck again and he whispered sweet nothings into my ear. When suddenly we saw the flash of a camera, we looked up only to see Allison smile. "This one will go into the scrapbook perfectly," she said. Stiles and I just started laughing and soon everyone joined in.

"Flashback end"

That was one of the last days we had together before we called it quits. I didn't want to but we both decided it was for the best. Because we knew we wouldn't be able to make a long-distance relationship work. As I walk into the kitchen I feel a tear run down my cheek. I turn the light on, as I get a glass of water I see my phone screen flashing with a notification. I forgot that I still had my phone with me, I look at the screen to see it's from Facebook so I sigh in to see that Stiles posted something. I quickly go to his timeline to see what he posted, but when I see it my heart breaks as I read what it says.

Change of plans, won't be joining my friends in Beacon Hills because I will be spending my entire summer on my Uncle's ranch in Texas. I hope you guys understand and won't be mad. I can't wait, it's going to be so much fun on the ranch and I can't wait to see my loving horse Blacky. It's been so long since I last saw her, love you blacks so much, see you soon.

I can't believe he's not coming. How? Why? is all I want to know.

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