Coming to a Conclusion

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Scott POV

It's been four days since the accident and since Stiles had the emergency surgery but he still hasn't woken up yet and the doctors doesn't think he will ever wake up again the couple from the pickup is doing okay well the women and baby girl is the man not so much he is in police custody and as soon as he's descharge he will be locked away. The thing is no one blames him exsept the Sheriff which i personally think is wrong Stiles wouldn't want his dad to hold a gruge the hard part about all of this is that we all know Stiles is already gone and isn't going to wake up i felt it when he lost consiusness at the crash site that's when i knew he was gone everyone could feel the bond of a pack member painfully desapearing. I know he won't be waking up ever again and that is very painful and will be very hard to let him go but i know we have to we don't have much choice.

Jackson POV

the last four days I've spent crying alone in my room i feel so helpless and guilty but there is nothing that anyone can do he is already gone i woke up today feeling a little better and that's when everything started adding up everything happens for a reason and life is no diffrent for every person that dies four more is born that's the way of live i've been keeping track and since the accident three baby's has been born two girls and a boy so i came to the conclusion that the moment the fourth is born Stiles will be gone for good and no one knows when that will be it can be today tomorrow or in five months no one knows for sure but everything happens and adds up to something eventiolly so this is all slowly adding up to one thing the hardest thing we'll have to do this is adding up to Stiles funeral sooner or later the doctors will tell us that his gone and then all of this will make perfect sence but for now i have hope that he will wake up and come back to us but that doesn't mean he will.

Parrish POV

It's been four days since Sheriff Stilinski put the guy who caused the accident under police custody but i think it's not right no one blames him and i know Stiles wouldn't ether and by doing this the Sheriff is keeping that guy away from his baby girl but i think that will change soon the doctors told us that Stiles is showing signs of waking up soon were still waiting to see him the only person so far that got to see him is Derek and he hasn't left his side so no one else can see him until Derek leaves his side now everything is slowly adding up when Stiles wakes up he will forgive the guy and tell his dad to let him go and then Stiles will say goodbye to us all and he will leave this live and move on to the next so my conclusion is that no matter what happens we will be having a funeral soon for Stiles to let him go and for us to set him free no matter how hard it will be we will have to so yeah it doesn't matter what happens everything adds up to one thing and one thing only it adds up to us having to let him go.

I know it's going to be hard on Lydia, the moment i think about Lydia i remember when the Sheriff and i got to the hospital.


i was sitting at my desk in the Sheriffs station when Sheriff Stilinski came out of his office "Parrish come with me" he said and we left "Sheriff what's going on were are we going" i ask, "we're going to the hospital Melissa phoned and said we have to get there as soon as we can she didn't say why" he says pulling into the hospital parking lot and we got out and rushed inside as fast as we could only to see Melissa waiting for us  at the nurses station "Melissa what is this all about" i ask before the Sheriff could  "well you should know Scott and the others were in an accident outside of town" she says and my hole body goes numb with worry for Lydia, "wait the accident we heard about" Sheriff Stilinski asks from behind me in a worried tone, "yes that accident Parrish Lydia is okay she is in the waiting area with the others if you want to go see her" she says pointing the way i start walking almost running in the derection of the waiting area not hearing what Melissa tells the Sheriff i'm to worried about Lydia i want to see with my own eyes that she is okay.

I walk into the waiting area to see her talking with Allison and Malia and glansing at Aiden from time to time she hasn't noticed me yet she excuses her self from the conversation with the others and walks over to him she takes a seat next to him and takes his hand at the sudden touch Aiden looks at her and then smiles and she smiles back just as she leans in to kiss him and break my heart forever the Sheriff burst thru the door causing everyone to look at him and only then does her eyes land on me and she lets go of Aiden's hand as she gets up and walks over to me and i open my arms for her and she walks right into them and i hug her to me as tight as posible rubbing circles on her back as she sobs into my chest with her arms wrapped around my back tightly.

"Jordan i didn't think i would see you again when the car flipped and everything went black i thought it was the end and all i wished was to be in your arms again" she said thru her sobs and i held her tighter when she calmed down she looked me in the eyes and kissed me i didn't hesetate one second to kiss her back after about 5 minutes of a pasionete kiss she pulled away and went back to Allison and Malia by now Kira had joined the conversation and all i felt was relieve that she was okay and alive.

"End Flashback"

when we left the hospital she came home with me since she didn't want to go to her mothers house it felt like a dream come true to wake up next to her again after so long of not being with her i missed her so much and i never stopped loving her and i never will. 

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