Meeting Halfway

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Derek POV

Peter and I have been busy with the planning, for when the pack arrives tomorrow, for almost 3 hours now. I somehow managed to push Stiles out of my mind, when suddenly I hear my phone ping letting me know that I have a notification from Facebook.

I start looking for my phone, in the mess of papers that is all over the Living room, when suddenly I see it. I pick it up and open my Facebook account, only to see a post from Stiles. So I read the post and I am so happy right now, I literally feel my heart skip a beat when I read the post.

My friends changed my mind, so Beacon Hills here I come, this is going to be so much fun seeing everyone again, I can't wait. I Love You Beacon Hills, see you soon.

I almost jump out of my skin with joy because my Stiles is coming home after almost five years. I put my phone away and turn to Peter to see him staring at me with curiosity, something I haven't seen on him in a very long time. "What," I ask him, "what did the post say," he asks, "just that Stiles is coming to Beacon Hills," I say smiling like an idiot.

"Now that's a relief," he says smiling. "Let's get back to work this has to be done when they get here tomorrow. The pack-house must be perfect," I say look at the papers in front of us. "Now let's divide the work and get started," I say glancing at the photo of me and Stiles smiling, then we get to work.

Scott POV

I can't believe Derek would break his promise to Stiles, but clearly, Stiles isn't going to let that get him down. He is very brave, to the world, it doesn't look like he's hurt but we know that deep down Stiles is shattered into a million pieces. We got up at 02:00 this morning. I'm currently packing all the bags into the cars while I wait for everyone to get ready. Before I know it they are all done, except for Stiles. He is still in the shower, Jackson went upstairs to tell him we're waiting for him.

When Jack comes back down all he says is "Stiles is almost done," with a weird look on his face. We wait 10 more minutes and then Stiles is ready, now all we have to do is decide who is going with who. "Okay, Allison, Isaac, Lydia, Aiden and Jackson will go in Isaac's car. That leaves me, Malia, Stiles, Danny, Ethan and Kira who will go in my car, is everyone fine with that," I ask and they all nod. "Okay, let's get in and hit the road," I say getting into the driver seat with Malia in the passenger seat. This is going to be the best summer ever.

I remember the conversation I had with Lydia earlier and she seemed very excited to see Parrish again. Yes, she may be with Aiden again but her heart will always belong to Jordan. No matter where they go in life he will always be her home and the one she will always love. Just like Allison is to me, I will always love her but we're better as friends.

Theo POV

Mason, Corey, Liam, Hayden and I woke up at 06:30 and got ready to leave. While Hayden does her makeup I pack the car, when she is done we all get in and hit the road. I check the time as we are driving away from UCLA and it reads 08:11. I turn on the radio and the drive back to Beacon Hills starts.

This is going to be an epic summer, I'm just glad they got Stiles to change his mind because it wouldn't be a pack summer without him. He is what makes us a pack, without him, the pack will fall apart. He is the glue that keeps us together and in contact with our humanity. He is the one who always makes sure we are okay, he cares about us and our safety more than his own. He would die for us if that meant keeping us safe and alive. He is our real Alpha, even Scott said so a few years ago.

I can't wait to see everyone again, I wonder how their lives turned out and who is married and engaged. Other than Mason and Corey who are getting married in the fall. I wonder who has families but I doubt anyone has had kids yet, either way, this is going to be the best summer ever.

Beacon Hills here we come, now that I think about it we will be in Beacon Hills 4 hours and 29 minutes before Scott and the others. So I'm guessing we will rest at the hotel before we go to Derek's loft, we'll all need it. If my calculations are right we should be in Beacon Hills by 10:30 AM.

Scott POV

We have been on the road for 4 hours and 29 minutes, there is still 2 hours and 19 minutes to go until we get to Beacon Hills. "Malia, text everyone and ask if we were going straight to Derek's loft," I ask her and she grabs her phone and sends a text on the group chat. Not long after I hear her phone ping "Liam says it would work if we arrived in Beacon Hills at the same time," Malia says looking at me. "Tell him we just passed the turn to UCLA and them," I tell her and she sends the text.

Stiles was watching them from the back seat "guys, Liam just looked up and saw me. He looked rather surprised but he waved and we are going to be there before they are" he says excitedly. "Stiles, it's not a race okay we will arrive at the same time. As long as they stay behind us and as long as Isaac doesn't speed up," I say seeing Isaac's car going a little faster in front of us. I'm practically bouncing in my seat of excitement.

I can't wait to see mom, Derek, Chris and Peter again or even Deaton. It's going to be an amazing summer, I just hope Stiles will be okay. It's clear that he is determent to show Derek that his post didn't break him. I still can't believe Derek would break his promise like that, it's not the way he is. He is not the kind of guy to break his promises so why would he start now, I just don't get it.

There is something fishy going on here, it's just a matter of time before I figure it out.

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