Heartbreaking News Part 2

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Derek POV

I'm frozen in place at Melissa's words this can't be happening not my Stiles it just can't be i unfrees when she hangs up i start running to the door before Peter can say anything i grab his arm and pull him along "we have to get to the hospital there was an accident and Stiles is badly hurt" i say as were running to the car Peter doesn't say a word he just keeps running we get in the car and head to the hospital we get there and rush inside "Melissa were is he" i ask as i reach her. "There still busy with him go wait in the waiting area with the others" she says showing us the way we soon take a seat and the long wait begins.

Chris POV

after the phone call from Melissa i rush to the hospital in fear of what i will find i mean Melissa didn't say anything about Allison so i have no idea if she is okay or not i get to the hospital and go in search of Melissa to only find her coming out of a patience room "Melissa where is Allison", "she's fine Chris", "where is she", "she's in the waiting room with the rest of the pack come on follow me" she says walking me into the waiting area to see the entire pack there except for Derek, Peter, Parrish and the Sheriff i run up to Allison and inbrace her in a bear hug allowing her to sob into my chest i know that they are all worried about Stiles and Mason but mostly Stiles.

Noah POV

Melissa sounded broken over the phone and why did i have to bring Parrish with me to the hospital i hope it doesn't have anything to do about the accident i heard about i think as Parrish and i rush in to the hospital to see Melissa waiting for us at the nurses station "Melissa what is this all about" Parrish is the first to ask "well you should know Scott and the others were in an accident outside of town", "wait the accident we heard about" i ask starting to worry, "yes that accident Parrish Lydia is okay and in the waiting area you can go and see her if you want to" she says pointing the way and Parrish almost runs in that direction.

"Noah Stiles is in emergency surgery he doesn't look good he sestaind the most injurys and the worst injurys  of everyone that was involved in the accident i'm sorry i don't know anything other then that but i will let you know as soon as i know" she says and my heart stops beating for a few seconds and then i start running to the waiting area to talk to Scott and find out what happened.

Liam POV

when everyone arrived the doctors took a look at Allison and Lydia but luckily they were fine Mason got out of surgery a few minutes ago and the doctor said he's going to be okay and that it's a merical that he's alive he is fighting with the doctors to disgharge him but they can't the rest of us are waiting for any news on Stiles i can see Derek is in a terrible state he looks so lost and alone i feel sorry for him i really do but we're all worried and scared that we will lose Stiles it will be the destruction of the pack if he dies and i don't know if we will be able to fix a broken pack. 

I need to stop thinking like this,it'll only make me more depressed if i don't, i suddenly hear a silent cry that pulled me out of my thaughts so i look around only to see the state everyone is in Scott is standing infront of the window sniffling Malia, Lydia, Allison and Kira are huddled together in a corner talking and trying to hold back tears Ethan and Danny are sitting together agenst a wall holding onto each other for comfort Corey and Hayden are sitting against another wall making small talk as silent tears falls down there cheeks. 

Derek seems lost in his own thaughts Peter is on his phone trying to destract himself the Sheriff and Parrish is talking about the accident Aiden and Theo is sitting near the doors just staring at the wall not saying anything Melissa and Chris is talking about some hunting gear or something i can't really hear Isaac joined Scott at the window but neather of them is saying anything then i hear the crying again so i turn around slowly since it's coming from behind me and there all alone looking out the window crying softly is Jackson. 

I get up and walk over to him then i sit down next to him looking out the window with him he sniffs "hey are you okay" i ask him and he looks at me with his red puffy eyes and tear staned face "no i'm not okay i was always so mean to him and now he might die yes i tried showing him that i changed but i never apologized for being a jerk to him all those years and now i might never get the chance to apologize" he says crying again, "hey i know it's hard but we have to believe he'll be okay and as soon as he wakes up you can apologize" i say.

He stops crying only sniffing occasionally "why do you feel guilty now" i ask him, "well there is a reason i was mean to Stiles for all those years", "you were mean because you like him but didn't want to admit to yourself your gay", "exzactly but he thinks i was just being a jerk because i liked bullying people and now i might never get the chance to tell him the truth" he says crying again so i take him in my arms and let him cry as much as he wants to feeling the pain of guilt in my heart as well i could have done more to save him but i didn't and now he might die because of that. 


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