Keeping Stiles Alive

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Liam POV

As i'm trying to keep Stiles alive for as long as i can i hear Scott ask in a grogee voice "what happened" which tells me he just came to i turn as much as posible without removing presior from Stiles i look at him and he looks at me luckily i'm in the way so he can't see how badly hurt Stiles really is "Scott i need you to find Mason his missing and i don't know how hurt he is and if he's still alive please find him", "yeah okay i won't stop looking till i find him".

"Isaac go see if the couple in the pickup is okay", "why this is there fault", "i heard there conversation just before the crash take Allison with you the man was distracted because the women was in pain since she is in labour the guy was trying to keep her calm and that's why he didn't concentrate on the road now go and see if they are okay and how far the women is dilated then come tell me", "okay Allison let's go" Isaac says running to the pickup with Allison close behind.

I can hear Scott calling Mason's name but there is no answer and i need more help with Stiles i can't apply pressure to both his wounds "Kira, Jackson i need your help" i say and they run over to me but stop in there tracks when they see Stiles limp body "Kira look in my bag and bring me a shirt now" i say and she jumps into action "Jackson come over here and apply pressure to his chest and don't let the piece of metal move. Malia, Lydia, Aiden and Ethan try to call for help now or Stiles will die" i say getting everyone's attention including Scott who comes running to see his Best friend but stops dead in his tracks and colapses to the ground when he sees Stiles limp and very pail body.

"Scott keep looking for Mason i'll keep him alive for as long as i can i promise i won't let him die not here" i say as Kira brings me a shirt i take it and tear it in two pieces i tie the one above the wound on his chest and the other half below keeping the metal piece in place so it won't move. I look back at the others to see they are trying to find a phone signal, "Liam!" i hear Allison yelling my name so i look up to see her running towards me with a lot of blood on her hands "Liam the women is fully dilated and is going to give birth at any second but she keeps losing contiousness since she has a very bad cut on her head", "okay i'll be right there" i yell since she is already half way back to the pickup.

"Theo come here please" i call and he comes over to me dropping to his knees next to me "put your hand here" i say placing his hand above mine as i pull  my hand away i pres his to the spot "now keep your hand there and keep applying pressure because if you don't he'll die" i say and Theo nods at me i get up and run over to my bag grabbing a jacket and i start running to the pickup when i see Scott on the other side of the three cars and the gas smell is getting stronger i glans down at the cars for a brief moment but it's enough time for me to spot Mason's hand moving on Isaac's cars hood under Scott's and Theo's cars, "Scott over here" i yell and he runs over to me turning in one movement to look at the cars and his eyes widen in horror as he sees Mason's hand move and the blood running down the side of Isaac's car he runs over and i keep moving to the pickup.

I first see the guy laying on the ground in a puddle of blood with Isaac applying pressure to the wound i then turn to my right and see Allison sitting against a rock with the women in between her legs i can see she is in a lot of pain at least she's calm but that might be because she keeps losing contiousness i crouch in front of her and smile as she looks at me with pleading eyes.

I will do what ever it takes to keep her and her baby alive. 

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