Stiles Last Words

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Malia POV

Stiles doesn't look good at all i just wish we can keep him alive until the peramedics get here i think as i get on the rock again to see if i can see the ambulances when there was a sudden explosion witch told me the cars finally blew and then there was frantic screaming from behind me i turn around to see Liam crouched next to Stiles while Scott just stares with tears running down his face. "Liam do something were losing him" i hear Jackson cry franticly and i can heardly breath we can't lose Stiles not like this please not like this i think as i sit down on the rock and just stare at Stiles now lifeless body.

Liam POV

"Liam do something were losing him" Jackson cries franticly as i am crouched next to Stiles now lifeless body "okay Jackson make sure the metal doesn't move" i say as i bend over and start to do compresions for the third time today i keep at it for five minutes before i feel a pulse again so i breath in relief. About 20 minutes ago Mason went into cardiacerest but luckily i got him back but there is still and hour to go before the peramedicks get here and if we lose Mason again i might not be able to bring him back.

In the hour we waited for the ambulances we lost Stiles 4 more times and everytime it got harder to bring him back and we lost Mason 3 more times i was just lucky to have been able to bring him back each time but if we lose him again i won't be able to bring him back i already strugle the last time which was about 10 minutes ago.

Stiles POV

As i start to come to all i feel is pain and i'm struggling to breath but i open my eyes slowly as my eyes ajust to the light a shape comes into view but soon it turns into Theo, "wait Theo" i say but my voice sound raspy he looks at me so fast i could have sworn i heard his neck snap, "Stiles" he says and soon everyone is staring at me, "what happened" i ask and then i go quiet to try and get my breath back "we were in an accident" Liam suddenly says and everything comes back to me "but Stiles don't try to move save your strength the peramedics is on there way" i can hear his voice it suddenly sounds so far away the last thaught that crosses my mind is to ask them one last thing before i let go and alow the darkess to take me so i try to keep my eyes open, "tell Sourwolf i love him" i say and then the darkness consumes me and the pain fades away.

Scott POV

"Stiles, Stiles!" i yell but he doesn't answer me he's last words ringing in my ears "tell Sourwolf i love him" as i look at my best friend i see his head fall to the side and a thin stream of blood flows out of his mouth "no Stiles don't you dare die on me" i hear Liam say in the back ground as i coulaps to the ground when reliation hits me that those were Stiles last words he'll ever speak i'll never hear his voice or his laugh again or see the excitment in his eyes his hands and feet will never bounce up and down when he is forced to sit still for more then 20 minutes because my hyperactive best friend is gone for good.

"Stiles, Stiles!" i yell but he doesn't answer me he's last words ringing in my ears "tell Sourwolf i love him" as i look at my best friend i see his head fall to the side and a thin stream of blood flows out of his mouth "no Stiles don't you dare...

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Liam POV 

"No! Stiles don't you dare die on me do you hear me don't you dear die please" i say as i perform CPR one last time and suddenly i hear his heart beating again and i can see him breathing i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding and then i hear them the ambulance sirens "please Stiles just hold on a little longer please the peramedics is hear please hold on" i say as Malia gets on the rock so they can see her and soon they have Stiles and Mason loaded into two ambulances Corey and Hayden insited on going with Mason and i went with Stiles because he was in crutical contition  they didn't want anyone else besides me going with them we soon arrived and they rushed him into emergency surgery i kept walking up and down in the waiting room waiting for the others to arrive Mason was also rushed into emergency surgery.

But as i'm walking up and down i can hear Stiles last words playing over and over in my head.

"Tell Sour wolf I Love Him".

"Tell Sour wolf I Love Him"

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