Letting Stiles Go

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Derek POV

I've been sitting with Stiles for four days now i only leave to get some coffee and to let the others see him for a few minutes i want to be there when he wakes up. Melissa told me to go home and take a shower so here i am standing in my shower going as fast as i can so i can get back to my Stiles I've been ignoring Jessica ever since i got the news about the accident she calls almost 50 times a day but i never answer.

I just got back to the hospital and am making my way to Stiles room as i pass the waiting area i notice that everyone is gone i shrug it off and turn the corner to Stiles room only to see everyone in his room so i run forward thinking something bad happened only to see Stiles smiling at Scott and everyone else is smiling to i burst into the room making everyone turn to me including Stiles his smile turns into a frown and then he looks away from me and to his dad. "Stiles what's wrong" Scott asks making him look at Scott and then he grabs a piece of paper and a pen and writes something down then hands it to Scott.

Scott POV

I see Stiles look at the door when Derek burst in and then his smile turns into a frown and he looks at his dad and i wonder what's going on so i decide to investegate. "Stiles what's wrong" i ask making him turn his head to me looking me in my eyes he then grabs a piece of paper and a pen writing something down then he hands me the paper so i take it and read what it says.

why is Derek here you know i don't want to see him.

"Stiles i know that but his been here everyday all day ever since you got out of surgery he's been worried sick about you" i say to him and he takes the paper again writhing something else i look down at the paper reading what he wrote.

He doesn't care if he did he wouldn't have broken his promise now get him out of here i don't want to see him ever again he broke me Scott he broke my heart into a million pieces and you expect me to forgive him for that i don't think so.

"Stiles you heard what the doctor said there is a 80 to 20 percent change that you could die so don't push him away like you did with Lydia it's not her fault that she can feel that your going to die she didn't ask to be a banshee so please forgive them both okay" i say looking at him sadly and he writes something down so i read it.

Scott i'm not mad at Lydia i was just shocked i mean i just woke up and saw all my friends with me and then suddenly she screams my name signaling that i'm going to die it was quiet creepy tell her i say i'm sorry and Derek i know i should forgive him i just.... when i saw him it all came back and it hurt even more then the first time so please just give me some time to work thru the pain okay.

"Okay buddy just don't take to long" i say and he nods his head then looks at his dad and smiles then his eyes suddenly close and we all panic.

"Don't worry he's just asleep" my mom says from next to him and we all breath out a sigh of relief i turn around and leave in search of Lydia i find her coming out of the bathroom whipping her eyes i walk up to her and ingulf her in a hug and she hugs back sobbing into my chest.

Stiles POV

The first thing i felt when i started to wake up was all the pain from my injuries and then i slowly open my eyes shutting them only moments later from the blinding light i lay like this for a few second and then i open them again seeing a figure coming closer and on instinct i try to scream but nothing comes out and that's when i realize i can't talk i don't have a voice i just hope it's temporery and that i will get my voice back i look back at the figure and relise it's Melissa but she doesn't know that i'm awake and i can't tell her so i reach my hand out and touch her arm giving her a scare then she looks down at me seeing i'm awake.

"Stiles you scared me" she says and i just shrug "Stiles why aren't you saying anything" she asks and i move my hand asking for something to write on luckely she understands and gets me a piece of paper and a pen i take them from her and write her a note.

I'm not talking because i can't i don't have a voice i don't know why.

"Don't worry i'll get the doctor" she says walking out soon she's back with Liam's stepdad she shows him the note and he turns to me "Stiles i'm going to send you for some tests is that okay" he asks and i nod my head they leave and soon two nurses comes in and takes me out of the room but i can feel my self getting drowsy so i close my eyes and fall asleep when i wake up i'm back in my room with all my friends around me exsept for Derek but that doesn't surprise me although before i woke up the first time i could have sworn i heard him talking to me a lot but i guess i was imagening things then the doctor comes in again.

"Okay Stiles I have the test resaults back and it shows there is a lot a damige to you vocal cords", "what does that mean" my dad says and i look at the doctor expectantly, "i'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but it means that you will never talk again your vocal cords were damiged beond repair" he says and my heart breaks this can't be happening i'll never be able to say another word again so from now on my life will be nothing but silence and paper and pen this isn't fair i feel the tears running down my face and i wipe them away fast, "i'm sorry Stiles" the doctor says "any way i have some more bad news" he says making everyone look at him "you have a 80 to 20 persent chance to live" he says and i stair confused.

"Which one is which" my dad asks the question i can't, "80 persent chance of dying and 20 persent to survive" he says and i can hear my dad gasp along with the others "there must be something you can do" Scott says and the doctor looks at me with pity "i'm sorry but there is nothing we can do so if i were you i would say my goodbyes before it's to late he says then leaves" he isn't even gone for 5 seconds when Lydia screams "STILES!!!!" at the top of her lungs and it freaked me out knowing that a banshee is never wrong i grab a piece of paper and write something on it then i through it at her she picks it up and reads.


She looks at me with tears in her eyes and i point to the door with an angry expresion on my face as she walks out she drops the paper. She wasn't even gone for 10 minutes when Derek burst thru the door and i felt the rage booiling up inside.

Derek POV

I can feel he doesn't want me here so i turn around and leave without anyone noticing me i guess this has got to do with me and Jessica i walk out of the hospital and get in my car i just sit there not even trying to start the car i guess i really lost him this time and then relization dawned on me it's time for me to let Stiles go i look at the hospital and sigh get better soon Stiles see you around Goodbye my friend i say as i start the car and drive away and back to the loft knowing i did the right thing by letting him go now everyone else just has to do the same.

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