The Twins Are Home

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Scott POV

I just dropped Claudia and Talia off at Sheriff Stilinski's house he was over joyied to meet his grand daughters i still have to take them to meet Derek but right now i'm on my way to Stiles grave i just need to talk to him i miss him so much i think as i walk thru the cemetery to his grave i stop when i find it and i bend down to read the writing.

Here lies Mieczyslaw Stilinski (aka Stiles)

Loving son, amazing friend, perfect Brother and spectacular father   

Born: April 08 1994

Died: July 06 2017 (age 23)

Gone but never forgotten 

"Hi Stiles it's been awhile i finally braught the girls home and your dad is very happy i still have to tell Derek but i first had to see you Jessica left for awhile she needed time but she promised Derek she would be back Corey and Mason is getting married next month and they already have a sureget to carry there baby Isaac asked Ally to marry him and she said yes Lydia and Parrish is back together and going strong so is Danny and Ethan i am planning on proposing to Malia on Friday. 

Theo and Liam finally hit it off they finally told each other how they feel and Aiden finally noticed Kira and they couldn't be happier Peter is also seeing someone he hasn't told us who though but he will with time Jackson well he is still very upset but aleast he met someone and so did Hayden the pack is happy and Derek is going to be even happier when he meets the girls speaking of which i have to go see you soon we miss you and love you bye Stiles see you soon". 

I left to pick up the twins they were happy to see me and they can't wait to meet there dad i just pulled up at the loft and i can here Derek inside sobbing i guess today is one of the days he misses Stiles a lot i walk in and knock "it's open" i here Derek say from inside so i walk in.

Derek POV

I here Scott coming up stairs and knock "it's open" i say and turn to look at the door only to frees when i see two beautiful little girls with him but what maid me frees is there hazel eyes i would recodnise those eyes anywere they are Stiles eyes "Scott who are they" "Derek I'd like you to meet Claudia and Talia Hale Stilinski", "what" i say completly shocked "they are your daughters Derek yours and Stiles daughters you remember in the DVD he said that he had something of you that no one would ever have well he was talking about them if you want answers go talk to deaton he will explain" Scott says and i drop to my knees i have a piece of my Stiles that no one else will ever have he isn't completly gone i look at the girls and i can see us both in them i open my arms for them and they run straight into my open arms and i hold them tight not ever letting go because they are all i have left of him.

About three hours ago when Scott took the girls back to the sheriff's house i went to see Deaton and it turns out i can't have kids at all except with my true mate which it turns out was Stiles that's how we have the girls and it's because of them that i am still alive if we didn't have them i would have died not long after Stiles because for a werewolf to lose there true mate is worse then losing a mate if it is a normal mate the werewolf doesn't die he or she is just in pain for many years but with a true mate the werewolf dies minutes after his or her mate unless they have kids together which keeps the werewolf connected to his or her mate and that way the werewolf gets to live.

i am curently at Stiles grave "i promise Stiles i will keep our daughters safe and i will make sure they know exzactly who you were and are they will never forget you and neather will i, i promise and this is a promise i will keep i love you and always will and i will see you again someday but until then rest in peace. One chapter ends and another begins yes we may say goodbye but we'll always remember".

"Goodbye my Stiles see you soon my baby boy".

THE END      

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