Fearing The Worst

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Liam POV

"Hi i'm Liam what's your name" i ask the women "Tiffany Brown, is my baby going to be okay" she asks with tears shimmering in her eyes, "your baby is going to be just fine", "you know what your doing right" she asks skeptically, "yes, my step dad is a doctor and i'm studying medicine don't worry i know what to do just stay calm and try to stay concious" i say as i look around to see which of the pack is not busy "Hayden" i call seing she is just standing around doing nothing she turns to me "yes Liam" she asks, "bring me a blanket and some water now please" i say and she finds a blanket and a bottle of water she stops next to me "good now help Ally to get Tiffany on the blanket" i say taking the water from her and poaring it over my hands to wash Stiles blood off when my hands is clean i turn back to the girls.

"Good now Tiffany take a hold of Hayden's hand Ally hold her tight good now i'm going to count to three the you push as hard as you can with out losing consiousness okay", "okay" she says in her soft voice, "good now one, two, three and push" i tell her she pushes as hard as she can "good now take a nice big breath and push again when the next contraction hits" she pushes as hard as she can again, "i can't anymore" she says before losing conciousness i take the bottle of water and dribble a little bit on her face and she wakes up "good now stay with me one more big push and it'll be over i promise", "okay" she says and pushes again and then all you can hear is the beautiful cry of a new born baby.

"Hayden scissors now" i say and she quikley runs to her bag grabbing a pair of scissors she brings them to me i take them and cut the  umbilical cord i then wrap the little girl in my jacket when i'm done i turn to Ally and Tiffany, "Tiffany meet your daughter" i say handing the baby girl to her and she takes her in her arms with a gratefull smile.

"Stiles!!" i hear Theo screaming so i run over to see what is happening, "Theo what happened", "i don't know one minute he was breathing and the next he wasn't" i get down next to Theo and start compresions while Jackson holds the piece of metal still.

Isaac POV

I can't believe Liam just did that he will make a great doctor someday while i was watching Liam i glansed over at Scott and saw he was strugeling to get Mason out from under the cars and he had to work fast because Theo's car already caught fire i taur a piece of my shirt and tied it around the guys arm very tightly to cut of the blood flow other whise he'll bleed to death after i did that i ran over to Scott, "hey we have to hurry Theo's car caught fire" i tell him and he looks up in horror. 

"Scott i'll take one side and you take the other then we lift it of okay", "yeah", "okay now hurry" i say and he runs around to the other side we both grab a side and lift theo's car of first and then Scott's once we moved it away and we placed it down we turned around and was met with a horific scene there on the hood of my car lay Mason in a pool of his own blood but the only ingury he sistande is a broken arm well his arm is almost completly ripped of his body i'm actually surprised he was still able to move his arm but he is losing a lot of blood and fast. "Liam we need you" Scott calls to him and he come running over after getting Stiles back.

Liam POV

I got Stiles back but i don't know for how long when i hear Scott calling me, "Liam we need you" i jump up and run over to them stopping in my tracks when i see Mason in a very bad state with his arm almost completely ripped off his body, "Liam what do we do" Isaac asks me and i snap out of my trance "okay bring me two T-shirts and a jacket now" i say and Isaac runs to get it "Scott get him off that car now but be careful" i say as Scott lifts him up and carries him over to where Corey and the others are his arm palced carefully on his body. 

Scott then puts him down "Isaac the shirts" i say and he runs over with the Shirts and jacket "here" he says "Scott tear them for me please down the middle of the front" i say handing him the shirts while he does that Corey came closer to see if his fiance was okay but started crying when he saw Mason arm i grabbed Corey by the shirt and ripped it off him he looked at me like i grew a second head "i need your shirt" i tell him and he give it to me i tear it into three pieces and one i place in Mason's arm to stop the bleeding  the second i use to tie his arm back together and the third i tie around his neck keeping his arm in place the shirts that i asked Scott to tear was just the right length if i tied them together.

I did then i tied them around Mason's neck and placed his arm in it like a sling then i tied it around his back secuerly the Jacket i tied the sleves around his neck and places his arm in it that way it keeps the dirt and dust out so it doesn't get infected "now i need a few ice packs please" i say and they start looking around "there's a few ice packs in the cooler on the back of the pickup" i hear Tiffany say from a few feet away "Scott go get them" i say and he runs to the pick up when he hands me the ice packs i place them in the jacket all around Mason's arm. "Why did you do that" Allison asks, "the ice will keep his arm healthy it's the only way to garentee that he will not lose his arm", "oh okay cool". I'm afraid we may not just lose Stiles but Mason too if we don't get help soon. 

We'll lose them both.

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