Last Message From Stiles Part 2

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Derek POV (Still watching the DVD)

Kira remember what we talked about a few days ago he will notice you eventually it's just sometimes he's a bit slow but don't give up hope and keep trying and in the end he will notice you and be strong the pack is going to need someone to keep them together now that i'm gone but feel free to talk to me anytime and i will hear you and listen i may not be able to answer you but i will listen i promise take care of your self and be safe Goodbye Kira.

Mason and Corey you guys are and always will be my favourite couple you weren't scared to show your feelings for each other and that's what i admired so much about the two of you get married and start a family you will be great parents and on your big day i will be there maybe not in flesh but in spirit keep going and take life on together i'm proud of how far you have already come keep going and keep fighting Goodbye Mason, Corey i love you both.

Hayden you really are special, strong and brave don't ever change and some day you will find the right guy who will love you for who you are keep going and never stop being yourself that's what makes you, you Goodbye Hayden you rock girl.

Isaac and Allison you are and always will be the cute couple make each other happy and Isaac you have my blessing and i am really greatfull that you asked my permision first i mean Ally is like the sister i never had so hurt her and i will haunt you for the rest of your life you two belong together there's no daught about it even Chris knows that so all i ask is make each other happy and i will be there with you in spirit i promise Goodbye Ally, Isaac i love you and be safe.

Peter stop being so stuborn i know you went thru a lot in your life but it's time to let the past go and look to the future i know you will find some one to love you who will break down your walls and when that happens i will be singing and dancing and celebrating your sucsess take care of everyone and know that i will always be with you Goodbye Peter and be a good dad for Malia okay take care.

Theo and Liam how am i going to make you see what's right in front of you guys open your eyes and accept your feelings for one another and don't be ashamed about it be there for each other and keep each other safe and alive please i never did get to see my ship happen before i died but i do hope you let it happen before one of you die i love you guys take care and love each other with everything you've got Goodbye guys and remember i'm watching you.

Derek i know your devestated right now but i will always be there for you besides i had a piece of you that no one will ever have i don't know if you have told Jessica about what i'm about to say but if you didn't sorry if i am making trouble but you need to know this well when Deaton told you that you can't have kids at all he was only partly right he didn't say anything because he didn't want to give you hope but it was true so go talk to Deaton and you'll understand better okay just know that i'll always love you no matter were i am or were you go in life but know this i'm happy for you go thru with the wedding marry Jessica and make her happy and be happy your self i'll be there on your big day remember what i wrote in the letter i will be in your heart and i'll be there in spirit and Derek live your life to the fullest and be happy okay do it for me please i love you sour wolf always will Goodbye my sour wolf.

Jessica we may not have met but i wanted you to know i'm glad that Derek found someone like you who can make him happy and who will stand by him no matter what that's what he needs right now be there for him aspecailly now he is going to shut himself off from everybody because he's going to be afraid again i know him and i know that he's feeling like everyone he cares about is dying around him again well that's not true and he needs to remember it so stand by him and keep him together don't let him fall apart please take care of my sour wolf for me and i hope that some day we will get the chance to meet but for now Goodbye and keep him safe.

Scott and Malia be there for each other and be strong for the pack they are going to need someone to be strong and as the Alpha Scott they need to know that they can count on you yes i know it's hard to let me go and say goodbye but i'm not fully gone i will always be in your hearts and memories and Scott bring my girls home bring them home to there family and friends and protect them with your lives my dad thinks he doesn't have anyone anymore bring them home so that he can know that he's not alone and i will always be there they are a piece of me after all please bring Claudia and Talia home to meet there dad and to be with there family i just wish i could see them again but i will someday and Scott don't let Malia go marry her or what ever but don't ever let her go the two of you were meant to be.

I know it's going to be hard to stand at my grave and watch my coffin lower into the ground but be strong and you will get thru this as a pack don't let the pack drift apart because of my death let this bring you closer together be a closer pack and be there for each other and remember i'm not completely gone i'll always watch over you and i'll always be in your hearts and memories so if you miss me just think back to yesterday to last year to ten years ago and i'll be there laughing and having fun you know they say it's better to let go with a smile then to hold on with tears don't cry smile when you think of me and i will smile to i love you all but i have to go now take care of your self's and we will see each other again someday but until we meet again Goodbye.

That's where it ends and we were all in tears even Peter had to wipe his tears away and i have never seen him cry never i turn the TV of and look at the pack "his right you know it is better to let go with a smile then to hold on with tears Stiles would want us to laugh and celebrate his life not cry and pitty our selfs besides we will see him again someday and until then he will always be in our hearts and memories smiling like always" i say as i look at the pack with a sinser smile and they all smile to.      

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