Life Changing Events

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Liam POV

We are listening to music on the radio when I hear everyone's phones going off, so I grab mine and see it's Malia on the group.

Malia: Hey guys Scott wants to know if we're going straight to Derek's loft or not.

Me: That would have worked if we arrived in Beacon Hills at the same time.

Malia: We just passed the turn to UCLA and you.

I look up so fast that I'm actually surprised I didn't snap my neck. Then I see Scott's car and Stiles looking at me, I'm a little surprised to see them but I wave anyway and Stiles waves back. "Hey Theo," I say and he glances at me briefly. "Yeah Liam," he says annoyed "Scott and the others just passed us," I say and everyone looks at the car in front of us. We see Stiles waving so we wave back.

Me: Tell Scott that we can go straight to Derek's loft, it's easier to get to see you guys soon.

Malia: Will do Liam.

I put my phone away and keep looking at Scott's car wondering how they've been. "For them to be here already, they must have left their house at 03:42 this morning" Theo suddenly says from next to me. I think a bit about it.

"So they have been driving for 4 hours and 29 minutes, is that what you're saying," I ask for clarification. "Yes, Liam that's what I said a minute ago," he says sighing. "Okay, sorry that I asked," I say looking away from him. I still can't believe we are going to arrive at the same time, this is going to be the best summer ever.

I change the channel on the radio and suddenly Eye of the Tiger starts playing. I share I look with Theo and then we start singing along Mason, Corey and Hayden joining us soon after. We are so focused on the song that we don't see the pickup swerve in front of us. I look up and yell "Theo lookout!" but it's too late, we hit the pickup sideways and I watch as the pickup flips over. Only then do I realize our car has also flipped and is flying through the air.

Stiles POV

I am listening to the radio and looking back at Theo's car occasionally, but as I look back I see a pickup swerve in front of them. They hit it sending the pickup flipping and their car flips over to and into the air. "Scott, stop the car!" I yell and he slams on the brakes so hard I fly forward and hit my head against the front seat. "Stiles, what the hell dude you want us to have an accident," he says and I nod.

"No, but Liam and the others are," I say and he gulps. "Wait, what," he says turning around to see the pickup but not Theo's car. "Where are they," he says looking around and I gulp, "in the air above us," I say looking forward. Only then do I see Isaac had stopped a few feet ahead of us. When suddenly Theo's car hits the ground behind us and flips over, taking our car with them and flipping it to. Then everything goes black.

Liam's POV

As the car is crashing down to the ground I see Scott and Isaac had stopped. When suddenly our car hits the ground and flips over, taking Scott's car with us and flipping it. It lands on its roof after flipping a few times. Only to end up hitting the boot of Isaac's car with a loud bang and flipping it over and then everything around me goes black. For a few minutes, all I hear is ringing in my ears and a deadly silence that follows.

I come to a few feet away from the cars, it doesn't feel like anything is broken so I sit up slowly. Only then seeing the wreckage and that Scott and Isaac's cars were also flipped and crushed very badly. I know the wolves will be okay and so will Kira but I am worried about Allison, Lydia and Stiles.

I then look at Theo's car and I'm met with a horrible sight. Corey is halfway thru the side window and his body is twisted weirdly, with a few ribs sticking thru his skin but he'll heal. As I walk closer I see Hayden almost fully through the windscreen, with a lot of blood covering her face.

I stop dead in my tracks as I hear a groan, so I look at Corey to see that he is coming to, suddenly he screams out in pain and Theo wakes up with a start. I help Corey out of the car and at the same time I take some of his pain. I walk a few feet away and lay him down, "Corey, I have to twist you so you'll be facing the front again, if I don't you'll die," I tell him and he nods.

Just then Theo comes over with Hayden laying her unconscious body down, "Theo, I need you to hold his lower half still so I can twist his upper body back into place," I say and he comes over. "Okay," he says grabbing Corey's legs holding them and with one movement I twist him back into place. I can see him healing thanks to me and Theo taking his pain, soon he is completely healed.

I turn back to the car to see if Mason needs help, only to be met with an empty seat and no Mason. As I'm walking closer to the car I hear a growl from behind me, so I turn to see Hayden waking up and her wounds start to heal she sits up and looks around. "Theo, we need to get the others out of their cars and salvage what we can of our belongings.

As fast as we can, so we can get away from the cars," I say and he looks at me confused. "Why?" he asks and I turn to the cars again. "Because I smell gas," I say and his eyes widen and then I see the realization dawning on his face, as he catches the scent. By then I am almost at Scott's car when I catch the smell of blood and a lot of it. I look up and try to find the source when my eyes land on Stiles's limp body, which lies about 5 feet away from the wreckage.

I run over to him and see that he is unconscious and there is a lot of blood and the pool under him is growing very fast. I fall to my knees and take a look at his body, then I see where the blood is coming from. I tear my shirt and apply it with a lot of pressure to his neck where the cut is.

The piece of glass had luckily missed the main artery but it is still a very bad cut and is bleeding a lot. I turn as best I can to see that Corey, Hayden and Theo are helping the others out of the cars. Everyone is awake except for Scott, luckily Allison and Lydia didn't get too badly hurt. I then see the twins salvaging everything they can from our bags and moving it a safe distance away from the wreckage.

I turn my attention back to Stiles, I somehow have to get him on his back then I get an idea. While applying pressure to his neck with one hand I use the other to turn him onto his back. To be met with a very deep and open wound in his chest, with a piece of metal from one of the cars still stuck in the wound.

At least now I know where the blood is coming from, but it doesn't look good. He needs medical assistance badly, but we're more than an hour away from Beacon Hills. I don't know if I'll be able to keep him alive for that long, his injuries are too bad.

I have a gut-wrenching feeling that he is not going to make it, I just hope I'm wrong.

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