The Funeral

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Derek POV

We watched the DVD yesterday and it's still weird that he knew he was going to die but at least we got to hear his voice again yes we'll always miss him but he will always be in our hearts and i will never forget him and neather will the others i decided that i will go talk to deatan after the funeral i just finished my tie and is heading to the cemetery it just still feels so surreal like he's going to jump out from behind something and laugh like he always did and then say fooled you but i know he won't because this is really happening today i have to let my Stiles go i have to let him rest no matter how hard it will be.

i got to the cemetery last everyone was crying when we were in the church for the service but the buriele is going to be so much harder i don't know if Stiles dad will be able to hold it together for much longer he bearly held it together at the service i see everyone standing next to the open grave the refrent said a few words and Scott spoke and now it's my turn to read the letter he asked me to read at his funeral i step forward taking a deep breath while opening the letter "Stiles asked me to read this today it was one of the last things he asked me to do so i will honer him by doing as he asked".

I don't expect a lot of people to show up today but i know those of you who did really cared about me so i just want to say thank you all for everything you did for me over the years and dad i know you feel like you lost everything but that's not true there will always be a piece of me with everyone of you for some of you it's the impaked i made in your life or the difrence i made but to most of you it will be the memories we sheared together and dad some of my best memories is with you if you miss me to much just think back to when i was small and i'll be there laughing with you and mom and when you do think back don't cry smile and say to your self i love you son and i always will, i will hear you i promise. 

If you really miss me just look at Claudia and Talia and i'll be there with you i love you dad and always will i wish i could introduse your grand daughters to you myself but since i can't i asked Scott do it for me i just want to ask all of you here to keep my girls safe and to protect them i know you guys is going to miss me but think of it this way i'm here with you today you may not see me but i'm here and i'm watching over all of you. 

If any of you need anyone to talk to just come to my grave and talk i will listen but when you do come to my grave don't cry smile and remember the good times we had like my mom always said it's better to let go with a smile then to hold on with tears yes i may be gone but i'll always be with you and i want to hear all about your adventures when i see you again but until then Goodbye and live a happy life knowing that you will see me again. Scott stop trying to be Batman and just grow up your not a kid anymore and if you don't grow up i will haunt you for the rest of your life do you understand me young man, well do you?

After i read that everyone started laughing and when everyone calmed down i continued. "That is who Stiles Stilinski was he always knew how to make a bad situation better and he even maniged to make a few of us laugh at his own funeral he will be missed we will all miss his sarcasm hyperactiveness yes he was a hyperactive spas sometimes and he always had a sarcastic coment but what i will miss the most is the way that he would quote star wars or supernatural and a few more of his favourite shows and movies that's what i'll miss but all in all he was and always will be and amazing person and he will be missed but he will always be with us so yes this is Goodbye but it's not the end Stiles may be gone but never forgotten".

"I'll see you soon Stiles  but until then Goodbye".  

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