Heartbreaking News Part 1

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Melissa POV

I just got to the hospital when i walked past the waiting room i saw someone i haven't seen in almost five years so i stopped an went over to him "Liam what are you doing here" i ask him as i put my hand on his shoulder he turns around so fast ready to showe me away then he relises it's me, "Melissa you sceard me", "sorry Liam that was not my intention but what are you doing here", "on our way to town we were in a car accident", "who's we", "Me, Theo, Corey, Hayden, Mason, Isaac, Allison, Lydia, Aiden, Ethan, Kira, Jackson , Danny, Scott and Stiles", "the entire pack", "yes, Melissa the entire pack".

"Is everyone okay" i ask with fear in my voice, "no Mason and Stiles is in emergency surgery i don't think there going to make it Melissa", "why do you say that", "because at the crash site we lost Mason 4 times and everytime was a strugle to bring him back and Stiles we lost him six times at the crash site and again twice in the ambulance on the way here he lost to much blood i did everything i could but he's to weak and i know i have this gutrenching feeling that he's going to die", "if he does die then it's not your fault you kept him alive until he got to the hospital".

"Yeah but i can't forget his last words", "what do you mean" "minutes before the peramedics got there he woke up and he asked what happened we told him and then just before he lost conciusness again he said tell Sour Wolf i love him", "who's sourwolf", "Derek, Derek is sourwolf even Scott felt it when he lost cociusness again Scott went down crying because everyone could feel  that we had lost a pack memeber we all know that his already gone that on the surgery table is an empty chell of the person it once was Stiles is already gone and i just feel like i could have done more".

"How about Mason", "he's arm was almost completely severed from his body i did what i could to help him keep his arm but i don't know if it was good enough" "Liam you did a lot for a fourth year student better then most doctors believe me". "Now i'll let Chris, Peter, the Sheriff and Derek know you stay here and wait for the others okay i'm sure that they are both going to be okay and will soon be enjoying there summer with the rest of you okay" i tell him as i let the sobbing boy go and head to the nurses station. 

I grab my phone from my purse and dial Chris's number it rings twise before he picks up, "Melissa what's wrong" he asks, "you need to get to the hospital now" i say as i start sobbing, "Melissa calm down and tell me what's wrong please", i take a deep breath before i start speaking again "the pack was in a car accident Stiles and Mason is in emergency surgery right now i don't know about the others they haven't come in yet so please hurry", "I'm on my way okay i'll be there soon", "okay bye" i say hanning up the phone.

I then dial Noah's number this is going to break him on the third ring he answers "hey Melissa what's wrong did anything happen", "yes Sheriff something did happen get to the hospital i'll explain once your here and bring Parrish to okay", "yeah sure were on our way and will be there soon" he says then hangs up now the hard part how am i going to tell Derek about this it will destroy him.

I dial his number and the phone rings and rings but on the third ring he answer's "yes" he says sounding irretated, "Derek it's Melissa i have some bad news the pack was in an accident Stiles is badly hurt and the doctors doesn't think his going to make it" i say only to be met by a deadly silence.

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