Forgiveness and Saying Goodbye

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Derek POV

It's been almost two weeks since i last went to see Stiles Peter tells me he's still with us but he gets weaker everyday and that the doctor said he could go at any moment i just wish i could see him again but i know he doesn't want me there so until he sends someone to get me i won't go near the hospital.

I'm in the kitchen making my self some lunch when there is a knock at the door "it's open" i yell and i hear the door sliding open and closed "Derek were are you" i hear Scott say, "in the kitchen" i say back and soon he apears in the door "what do you want Scott" i say not even looking at him "Stiles wants to see you he asked me to come and get you" he says and i frees unsure if i heard right i turn to him slowly "i'm sorry can you repeat that please i just want to make sure i heard right" i say to him "yes Derek you heard right Stiles wants to see you" he says again and i can't help but smile.

"Just let me get my jacket and then we can go" i say walking out of the kitchen and into the living room grabbing my jacket we make our way outside and get in my car i drive as fast as i can to get to the hospital soon i find a parking and get out i make my way into the hospital and Melissa stops me in my tracks "Derek there is something you need to know" she says and my entire body goes numb "what is it Melissa did something happen to Stiles", "no but when you talk to him he will answer you on paper he can't talk at all if he survives he will never talk again" she says and i relax a little "okay thanks for telling me Melissa" i say making my way to his room but i stop dead in my tracks as i see two nurses and a doctor rushing into his room Melissa sees this and runs to his room to.

I'm frozen in my spot until i see Melissa walking out "what happened" i ask her and she looks at me sadly "he flatlined but they got him back if you want to say goodbye you have to do it now the others already did" she says and i walk over to his room seeing him staring out the window with a sad smile on his face.

"Stiles" i say and he looks to the door with a small smile on his face i walk over to the bed and pull a chair up just as i want to sit down he pats the bed next to him and i take a seat on the bed facing him when he suddenly grabs my hand in his i smile and a tear slides down my face i feel his hand move to my cheek as he wipes my tears away with his thumb "Stiles i'm so sorry that i broke my promise i never intended to do that" i say looking down ashamed but he lifts my head when i look at him i see him smiling and shaking his head he then hands me a piece of paper i take it and read his message.

Derek it's okay i know you never intended to brake your promise but you did and i forgive you for that it's in the past i need you to know that i never meant to shut you out or push you away i just needed time to heal from the heart brake and now i did and i want you to know that it doesn't change how i feel about you i loved you then and i love you now and always will no matter where i go i will always be in your heart so please take care of your self and don't forget me keep the pack together and have an amazing pack summer i might not be there in person to enjoy it with you but i will be there in spirit. 

I stop reading for a moment and look up at him only to see him smiling at me "I LOVE YOU SOUR WOLF" he says and my face lights up but i know he strugled to say those few words i can see that it hurt his throat by the way that his rubbing it i lean over and kiss him slowly on his lips soon i feel him kissing me back i pull away to see him pointing at the letter so i look at it again reading further.

There is something you should know Scott did offer me the bite but i turned it down i don't want to be a werewolf so don't blame Scott for not giving me the bite and tell Jackson i forgive him he'll know what i'm talking about when you leave my room Melissa will give you a DVD i want you and the entire pack to watch it together please and Peter has a note i want you to read on my funeral okay i know you want to believe that i'll get better but we both know i won't and that my time is almost up so please live your life to the fullest be happy and marry Jessica i know you wouldn't have asked her if you didn't really love her i'll be there on your big day i'll be in your heart and i'll be there in spirit now remember i love you and always will GOODBYE My Sour wolf.

lots of love 

your baby boy

I look up with tears running down my face i love you baby i say to him and he smiles i lean over and kiss him on his forehead i watch as he closes his eyes and falls asleep i smile sadly at him and whisper "Goodbye baby boy" and he smiles back as i get up and walk out of his room knowing that i won't see him in this hospital bed again i look up to see Melissa walking up to me extending her hand with the DVD in it so i take it from her and walk away. 

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