Finale Planning

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 Stiles POV

I fell asleep on the bench and when I woke up it was already 08:30 AM, so I quickly made my way back to the house, getting there at 09:00 and I wasn't expecting what came next. When I walk into the kitchen I see everyone there, then I see Scott slowly turning to me. "Stiles, where the hell have you been we've been worried sick," he yells as everyone is staring at me expectantly.

"I went for a walk," I say calmly getting some juice out of the fridge. "1 AM," he says and I choke on the juice then look at him wide-eyed. "How did you know about that," I ask surprised. "Isaac was awake and heard your bedroom window open and close, so he went to see why and found that you were gone," he says calmly.

"I just went for a walk," I say looking away from them. "An 8-hour walk!" he yells at me and I look at the floor. "Okay, I got to the park and sat on a bench for a few hours," I say as tears well up again. "A few," he says sarcastically and I sigh, "fine for 7 hours," I say taking another sip of my juice. "Why were you sitting there," he asks calmer. "I was thinking and trying to clear my head".

"Stiles, what's with your post," Lydia asks and I gulp. "What do you mean Lyds," I say trying to keep my voice steady. "Why are you not going to Beacon Hills with us," she asks and I sigh. "I just don't want to go," I say as my voice cracks. "But why Stiles," Scott asks as Lydia is going thru her Facebook and then she stops. Her eyes go wide "this explains it," she says and everyone turns to her. "What does lyds," Ally asks her.

"Derek he's getting married and can't wait to introduce her to us, that's according to his post," she says holding up her phone for the others to read the post. "How could he, he promised to wait for you," Jackson says coming closer. "Yeah well it looks like he changed his mind," I say looking down. "Stiles, we understand if you won't go with us," Ally says sweetly as I sniff. "Why wouldn't I?"I ask looking up at them.

"Because, your clearly not over Derek yet,"Malia says smiling at me. "He can be glad I'm not there right now, if Iwas I would kick his ass into the next century," Jackson says taking meinto a hug. He really has learned to care for others but especially me, anyway Ican't help but smile at his words. Then I break down again and he holds metighter, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"If I don't go, then it will ruin the entire meaning of a pack summer," I say sobbing into Jackson's chest and holding onto him for dear life

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"If I don't go, then it will ruin the entire meaning of a pack summer," I say sobbing into Jackson's chest and holding onto him for dear life. "Stiles, we can have a pack summer some other time right now you need to be as far away from Derek as you can get," Jackson says holding me even tighter and I keep on crying into his chest. "No, if I don't go it will show him that he won, that he got what he wanted and that he broke me.

I won't give him that satisfaction," I say pulling away from Jackson enough to see the rest of the pack. "I am going with you to Beacon Hills, I won't let him break me I won't and anyway uncle Paul's ranch can wait one year," I say pulling my phone out of my pocket. I sign into my Facebook account and type a few things and then I post it, smiling brightly. Not long after Lydia's phone dings to let her know she has a notification, so she opens it and as she reads it she starts smiling. "Well, Lyds what does it say," Malia asks her smiling. "Well it says":

My friends changed my mind so Beacon Hills here I come, this is going to be so much fun seeing everyone again, I can't wait. I Love You Beacon Hills, see you soon.

Everything becomes so quiet, too quiet for my liking so I look up to see everyone staring at me smiling. "I'm so proud of you," I hear Jackson say, only to realize he's whispering into my ear and then I feel my face heat up as I start blushing. "I'm going to shower I need it, I stink, then we can eat breakfast and get everything ready. So we can leave bright and early tomorrow morning," I say walking out, only to hear Isaac say.

"Yeah, I can smell you from hear" so I just start laughing and I can hear everyone else laughing too. I get to the bathroom after grabbing fresh clothes from my room. I get in the shower but I got a weird feeling like I shouldn't go with them tomorrow. Like something bad is going to happen but I don't know what. I push that thought away and just relax in the hot water.

Little did I know, that tomorrow my life would change forever and so would the packs.

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