Heartbroken the finale Chapter

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Derek POV

I reread the post twice and drop to my knees behind the counter, dropping my phone on the floor and letting out a heartbreaking howl. I'm just glad that Jessica is with her family tonight, so she won't have to see this. This was supposed to be our pack summer and without my Stiles, it won't be complete.

That's when realization hits me, he must have seen my post about me and Jessica but why would that bother him. We haven't been together in almost six years now. I get up leaving my phone on the ground walking into the Living room, grabbing the photo of us on the way. I take a seat on the love seat and I hold the photo close to me, as I continue crying until I fall asleep. Still holding the photo close to my chest and my Stiles in my mind.

I wake up to Jess shaking me, I look up at her with a tear-stained face. "Derek why are you crying or rather why were you crying," she asks, sitting down in Stiles's spot. It just doesn't feel right, that's his spot and no one else is allowed to sit there. "It's nothing I just can't hang out with you today. Peter and I have to get everything ready for when my friends arrive tomorrow," I say getting up and walking to the door, not even noticing I still have the photo in my hand.

"Now please leave," I say to her while I open the door, only to see Peter standing there hand raised about to knock. As he walks in she walks out and I close the door "what do you want Peter," I say turning around to face him. "You weren't answering your phone, I have to know if we're still going to get everything ready for the pack or not," he says in his overly confident tone of voice.

"Yes, we are and since your here we can get started," I say walking over to the coffee table that has our planning scattered over it. "Okay but maybe you should first take a shower, you look like crap oh, and put the photo down, please. I know it hurts, yes I saw the post but you can't change his mind. So just try and enjoy the summer with the rest of the pack will you, now I'll get started here. You go take a shower and then you can join me," he says looking at me with sympathy. I put the photo back in its place and then I go upstairs to take a shower, only joining Peter about 30 minutes later. Then we get started while eating breakfast, unaware of what lies ahead.

I just really wish he was going to be here with me, but I know he's not.

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