Chapter 1 Daydream

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'Careful.' The rough voice whispered. 'If you mess this up we all die.'

I nodded slowly and lifted the bow up higher so it rested just under my chin. I pulled the arrow back shakily and squinted my eyes at the blur of people moving across the road in the small, run- down house.

'That's him!' The voice grew excited. 'Shoot.Shoot. Before it's too late! Shoot, shoot, shoot!' I closed my eyes and tried to block out the voice.

'Now magdalen! Magdalen. Magdalen!'

"What?!" I cried lifting my head up.

"Excuse me, young lady?" The older woman standing in front of my desk glared down at me, her hands planted firmly on her wide hips.

"Sorry, Mrs. Mason." I mumbled, doing my best to ignore my giggling peers.

"Do you know the answer, Mrs Toiner? I would assume you do, seeing as you've been paying such close attention today."

"No, ma'am." I shook my head slowly, suddenly becoming extremely interested in my pencil.

"Very well. You will have it tomorrow morning when you walk into my classroom, yes?"

I nodded my head slowly, my red curls falling in my face. "Yes ma'am."

She looked at me sharply for a moment before walking briskly back to the front of the classroom and placing the chalk back in its holder. "Class dismissed."

Everyone stood at the same time and began talking amongst themselves as they bustled out of the classroom. I gasped as one my sniggering peers slammed their shoulder into mine causing me to nearly lose my footing. Grabbing my bag after having straightened myself out, I walked out into the crowded hall.

"Red Riding Hood!" I heard A familiar voice yell from behind me.

A smile crept up on my face, not stopping until it met my eyes before I even turned around. "Stop calling me that Pevensie!"

"Sorry." Edmund mumbled mockingly in reply, rubbing the back of his neck before picked at my hair.

"It's because your hair's red. You know, like the coat red riding hood wore in the story, and besides, Lucy called you that before anyone else."

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed, linking my arm with his blue cotton covered one and pushing open the door to outside.

"What are you doing here anyway? You know the rules, no boys in our half of the school except for dances and one Friday every month."

He rolled his eyes as we reached the bottom of the stairs and began towards my dorm room. "I missed you."

"Okay." I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I did so. " And Mrs. Masons' class is my absolute favorite." I added with mock enthusiasm.

"Honest! I mean, separating me from my best friend? It's cruel!" He smacked a hand against his chest on the left side and let his head roll back.

I laughed, my feet crunching on the dead leaves that were scattered across the sidewalk. "We only have two days left before vacation, and since I'm spending it at your house you'll get all the bonding time you want."

"Thank Aslan for that." He replied cheekily. "Well, here we are, Macer house. Guess this where I leave you."

"Not so fast. Sit." I pointed at the stone bench beside the steps, doing my best to look stern. He smirked at my attempt and raised his hands in mock surrender. Once we were both settled I began to speak. "I had another weird dream, except I wasn't asleep."

He frowned at me. "What do you mean you 'weren't asleep'? How do you dream while your awake?"

I shrugged at him and shook my head, my curls bouncing lightly as I did so. "I was sitting in the middle of Mrs. Masons' class."

"Maybe you did fall asleep and just didn't realize it?"

I shook my head violently. "No. That's what was so weird.I was completely aware of what was happening around the room, I just couldn't focus on anything except for the...."

"Daydream." He filled in, gesturing his hand as though he were offering me something.

"Yes." I sighed. "Any ideas, oh great king?"

"That's Just king to you, Lady Mags." I giggled softly. "I wish I could be of more help."

"No!" I cried, placing my right hand gently on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I can't be normal."

We sat there enjoying the breeze for a moment before he spoke. "I do miss you, you know."

I looked at him thoughtfully. "I know. I miss you too."

He nodded. "Peter misses you as well. He just gets into so many fights that it's hard to find a time when he's not in trouble to sneak him over."

I blushed bright red, clearing my throat before speaking. "It's fine, really. I'm just ready for vacation."

"So am I!" He replied. "I can't wait to tell you more stories about Narnia."

I sighed once more, propping my elbows up on the stone behind as I leaned back. "And I can't wait to hear them."

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