Chapter 20 Battle Plans

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We stood there enveloped in each other for a few more peaceful seconds before a new voice rang out. "Excuse me, my liege. A man on horse back has been spotted spying on us from the tree lines. "

Peter pulled away quickly and looked sharply at the blonde haired fawn. His gray and white beard was swept out on either side and he seemed to be out of breath.

"You were the one who saw him?" Peter asked.

"Yes my king. He looked to be dressed in Telemarine clothing. " He nodded curtly to me before turning his attention back to Peter.

"Gather everyone here, now. " There was something different in Peters voice, something I'd never heard before.

I wasn't sure whether to leave him alone or to just not move at all. He walked over to the stone table and sat down, laying his head in his hands and scrubbing them over his face. I hesitantly sat down beside him and place a hand gently on his shoulder. He caught me off guard by apologizing. I looked at him funny.

"I know your new to all this and are probably scared to death. Here I am nearly panicking when I should be staying strong for you. "

I looked at him in disbelief. "Who told you you had to be strong for me?"

"That's what men do. We make sure the lady is taken care of and -"

I shook my head and placed my hand over his mouth. "Stop. I understand perfectly that this must be terrifying for you. Peter, you have to lead an army! Your the one all these people, including your siblings, are looking to for answers. If something goes wrong it would be far to easy for everyone to point their fingers at you, so yes, I get that you might be scared. I'd find it more odd if you weren't."

He kept my hand locked in his as he brushed some hair out of my face and left his other hand resting on my cheek. "Will you court me?"

My eyes widened. "W-what?"

He smiled and dropped his hand. "I'm sorry. I just-"

"No! I mean yes. Yes I'll court you!" He laughed and pulled me into a hug just as everyone began filing in. The room soon became filled with the chatter of everyone talking at once. Lucy hurried over as soon as she spotted us and hoped up on the stone table, behind me. She gave me a warm smile and glanced down at me and Peters hands, giggling.

"Should I move somewhere else?" He shook his head, looking around at all the different kinds of Narnians that had joined us. "Are you sure? I could go sit with Edmund." I pointed to him sitting on one of the large stones.

"No. "He answered quickly. "Your fine here."

I smiled lightly and nodded.

"Where is Susan?" Just as the question left Lucy's mouth, Susan walked in behind Caspian and they both took a seat near a few of the badgers. Peter gave Caspian a hard glare before standing and speaking.

"It's only a matter of time. Miraz and his troops are on their way. Which means those same men aren't protecting the castle."

"What do you propose we do your majesty?" One of the mice in the red hat asked.

"We need to-"

"We should-"

Caspian and Peter spoke at the same time. They glared at each other for a moment before an exasperated Caspian motioned for Peter to continue.

"We need to strike them before they strike us." Peter stated, his eyes sweeping around the room.

"That's crazy! No one has ever taken the castle." Caspian shook his head and stood.

"Well there's always a first time."

"We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin backed Peter up.

"But we have the advantage here!" Caspian exclaimed.

"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." Peter looked at Susan, astonished that was taking Caspian's side.

"I for one feel safer underground." One of the Narnians called out.

"Look." Peter started. "I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress, its a tomb."

"Yes and if the Telemarines are smart they could just wait and starve us out." Edmund said.

"We could collect nuts!" One of the squirrels suggested happily.

"Yes! And throw them at the Telemarines!" Reepicheep, one of the generals for the mice, agreed with fake enthusiasm before rolling his eyes and shouting, "Shut up! I think you know where I stand, sire."

Peter nodded to him and looked back to one of main Centaurs. "If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards. "

The centaur looked at his men before replying, "or die trying, my liege."

"That's what I'm afraid of." I turned quickly to Lucy who had spoken for the first time.

"Sorry?" Peter asked her, confused.

"Well your all acting as if there are only two options, dying here or dying there."

Peter shook his head and walked closer to us. "I don't think you should really be listening Lu."

"No your not listening." She fired back. "Or have you forgotten who really defeated the white witch, Peter."

The room was silent. "I think we've waited for Aslan long enough." With that, he grasped my hand and pulled me towards the door.

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