"All too easy." She muttered quietly. "Even Ivan was better than everyone here." Harper shrugged slightly. "And he's not that strong." She walked down the street, sensing everyone's magic levels, those that were extremely low levels were the children who hadn't hit puberty yet, the elderly whom had lived over sixty and just the odd person she walked past. She sensed the spike in power when she walked past uniformed military or police that roamed the streets and for a moment she was thankful that her new play thing Chan hadn't reported her - or at least she didn't think he had reported her because those that looked twice at her simply commented on how bright her hair was. No-one suspected her as the person who would wreak havoc.
"Harper." She had sensed him before she had heard him. "Don't burn me, I want to talk." It was Chan.
"Oh it's my handsome little play thing, how are you?" Harper turned with a smirk, a smirk that easily sent shivers down Chan's spine. "What do you want?"
"I want to talk, like I said."
"Then talk, I have nothing else to do today. That brat is good at hiding."
"Let's grab a coffee and talk over that? Just don't kill me." He laughed. She pondered in thought.
"Okay. Let's go."
"Why are you over here?"
"To retrieve my package." Harper brought the scolding coffee to her lips and drank it without wincing. "Why do you want to know?"
"Because, I'm wondering if there's a way we can send you back without your package and without you being punished."
"There's no way I'm leaving here, not in a bodybag, without my package."
Chan sighed and studied the girl sat in front of him, noticing the scar leading down into her shirt from the bottom of her neck, to her warm green eyes that seemed to study him. She couldn't have been older than twenty.
"How did you... become one of their warriors?" He asked, breaking the silence between the two of them.
"I was born into it." She spoke softly. "How did you become a lap dog?"
"Volunteered." He paused. "And I'd appreciate you not calling me a lapdog."
"A lapdog wouldn't be out doing what I do."
"I'd like to call myself a guard dog-"
She launched herself over the table at him, sending him and his chair toppling over as her eyes glowed and the pendant burned a red hot against her skin. Chan froze, pinned beneath the girl who yelled out in pain as fire wrapped over the two of them as a large bang echoed around the cafe.
"Harper?" He spoke softly.
"Trust me, me taking one of yours?" She panted lightly. "That's the least of your worries."
"What's happening?"
"How am I meant to know?" She hissed through gritted teeth. "I'm stuck in here just like you. Whatever it was had stronger magic power than a few of ours."
"What a shame~" Someone's voice spoke teasingly. "So many dead- Wait, is that someone alive under that fire shield? Hello?"
"This once." She held Chan's eyes. "I'll protect you this once." She let go of him and the fire shield opened up and she emerged. "Then you can see my true power, my little Chan~"
"Oh, so there's two people alive." The man chuckled.
"You're blowing up parts of your own country?" Harper laughed softly. "How silly can you be? They already have enough to worry about with me here." The flames engulfed Harper and the pendant simply glowed more and her eyes seemed to illuminate whatever space in her immediate area that the fire didn't.
"Get the boy, I've got the girl."
"Touch him and I won't hesitate to burn you all to ash." She got into a fighting position. "He's my little plaything, not yours."
Chan laid in shock for a second at her words, she had truly sounded like she had finished her sentence with the threat. She wasn't going to finish it with the last part. "I've got your back." He spoke and got to his feet, ignoring the devastation around him. "Their badge- they're from one of the terrorist groups."
"So I won't be killed for killing them?"
"Good." A smirk tugged at her lips devilishly. "But that still stands, you're not touching him." Her hand darted out to her left where someone was nearing Chan and the flame brushed against the man's leg, causing him to tumble. "Not unless you want to be burnt alive."
Chan shivered, sensing the power levels coming from her, rise to meet the terrorist groups - and she hadn't even let it go yet.

The war // BTS AU //
FanfictionHarper was a spy sent to retrieve some of the soldiers from South Korea, and she wouldn't give up until she was dead. (Cover Credit: @btsbrokenhearted)