Harper woke up refreshed nearly three days later, as refreshed as she could be with the lack of food in her system along with water. She stripped out of her clothes that she had slept in, the curtains closed, and headed towards the en suite in the hotel room. She felt slightly gross and the idea of her not showering in the last few days due to her recharging, and she was in need of a good scrub.
Once showered, dried and dressed, she grabbed her purse and bag with her dwindling funds and headed to a small cafe she had seen on her way home after her meeting with Park Jimin. Her stomach rumbled, and her mouth was dry and all she really wanted was some food from her home, some thick and fluffy pancakes would hit the spot - or at least it would satisfy her until she went home.
Her mind took a turn from food when she felt the rumble of the ground and she saw the earth crack in front of her. Her eyes followed the crack as the earth started opening up, swallowing everyone and everything up whole. Her eyes widened, and she thought on her feet, her pendant warming up rapidly and surging a large amount of energy through her as she threw her hands to the ground. "Don't burn anyone." She whispered, the fire spreading rapidly over the growing gap, until it covered it. The hole kept growing and growing during this and she willed her net of fire to grow larger and larger and to keep up with the rate of the growth.
That was until she saw Chan rush through, his followers behind him. "What the-"
"I don't know what's happening." She called out to the familiar face in the near distance. Chan's face grew dark in annoyance, knowing who had caused this. He watched as she strained to cover the still growing hole.
"Right, help evacuate the area-" Harper yelled out in strain as buildings rested on top of the net, Chan's eyes widened. "Felix, reinforce her fire net."
The man ran over to where she was knelt, and rested his hand on top of hers and momentarily she furrowed her brows in confusion until the fire net roared with life and he closed his eyes.
"Wait-" Her voice was strained. "So do you have fire magic too?"
"No." He hummed softly, and she felt the strain on her own power lessen slightly. "I'm weak in power, but I can replicate other peoples magic to a smaller scale and I can supply people with magic too."
She nodded slightly, her skin starting to shine with a light layer of sweat.
"They're lucky we're around." Another voice surprised her from behind, she was too focused on trying to maintain her magic that she hadn't sensed the person behind her. "I'm sorry for frightening you, I'm Changbin." He knelt beside her. "I'm here to make sure you don't run yourself to the ground and to make sure Felix is okay."
"Pleasure to meet you. Who is 'they' by the way?"
"BTS. I think they're trying to get the extent of your power." He hummed gently. "Although this entire thing could've had many fatalities if you hadn't responded the way you did. I see why Chan likes you."
"Just let me focus." She whispered, and he nodded curtly. She felt the bottomless pit of magic start to fill up quicker than she was using it, and she realized the man - Felix - had placed his other hand on her and his entire being seemed to be illuminated by magic, and for a second she was in awe. That was until Changbin scolded her.
"I've never seen anything like it, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, just focus. We believe in you."
The hole started shrinking back to normal size, and she let her net follow suit. "I just wanted breakfast, and this is what I had to do." she muttered causing both of the boys around her to laugh. Once the hole had closed up completely, she sat back on the pavement and closed her eyes for a minute. Felix removed his grip on her and joined her in sitting back in the sun.
"That was Taehyung's power." He whispered softly, fingers brushing against hers as he sat there and she felt the power transfer still. "He has a very... earth-y based power. He's much stronger than his childlike personality shows."
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"Because," Changbin started. "Not even our own would do what you've done already for our country which means that they haven't gotten rid of all of your humanity. You can still be saved."

The war // BTS AU //
FanficHarper was a spy sent to retrieve some of the soldiers from South Korea, and she wouldn't give up until she was dead. (Cover Credit: @btsbrokenhearted)