Chapter Twenty

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Jungkook felt the tears roll down his cheeks, he could see his brothers being dragged into the room, bound and blindfolded and he knew that soon their fate would end up similar to what his would be.

"You've got no hope now. You might as well scream, beg for forgiveness, for mercy. If not for you, for your brothers and your friends." She cackled and Jungkook looked at the six men slumped against the wall in the same room he was in.

"Please. Do whatever you need to do to me. But not them." He whispered pathetically. His voice hoarse. "Please..."

"It's pointless begging, but I like to hear it." She coo'd, caressing his face with a fingertip and nail. "Beg some more."

Jungkook wouldn't give her the satisfaction, he tried to ignite the fire inside of him but it wouldn't work. It most definitely wouldn't work under the spell her friend had him under anyway.

"Please..." his voice got more weak, more pathetic sounding.

He might have been paralysed and weak, but Jungkook could still hear, and the roaring of a motorbike was in the distance until it cut off. He was confused. Who else, on a vehicle that could carry two people including the driver, would be coming to help?

Actually, where was Harper?

He felt the cold magic of the lady start to be absorbed by his own. "Now rest..." the woman whispered, using her fingertips to close his eyes and his world turned silent and dark.

Now he let the fear radiate.

Harper felt it, and her magic only responded more violently to it. "Jungkook!" She cried out, running through the building. The floor scorched behind where she once stepped.

"Harper..." a voice weakly called out to her. Hidden behind a unit was Felix. She sprinted over, eyes wide. "Harper they overpowered several of our groups."

"Felix what happened?" She asked, eyes wide as she examined the Male.

"Bangtan, the boys, had called in us and a few more groups to help get Jungkook back." He wheezed. "But the AMA mages, they overpowered us as if we had no magic at all..."

"Hold on." She spoke softly, pressing a fire encased hand against his chest and feeding magic into him. She watched his wounds heal instantly and she smiled in a small amount of comfort. "I'll go get whoever they've taken. I'll connect a feed with you, you get whoever is still about out of here. Whatever magic you need, it comes from mine. But I'm pretty full right now, so take as much as you please."

"Harper..." he whispered tears welling up. She kissed his forehead as she would a younger brother.

"Go find your friends, get them out of here. I'll get everyone else out-"

"Will you be with them?"

"Of course."

Felix stood up and Harper followed his actions before she rapidly chanted something and Felix felt immediately lighter. "This feed lasts for an hour tops, make it count. Good luck." She whispered before sprinting off again.

Felix watched her in awe as the girl he saw the other day after she lost her gem, turned into a strong woman once more. He smiled softly and began his search for his friends and anyone else who hadn't been dragged off.

Harper sprinted, following where her head and heart told her to go. She panted lightly when she heard the small hum of chatter from AMA guards and she took a deep breath to compose herself.

Her hands rapidly moved and her flames grew, licking the walls and the ceiling. She felt the power surge and watched as the entire corridor lit on fire. She bathed in the screams of those that had hurt her friends, hurt Jungkook.

The woman froze, her magic that was working through Jungkook pausing as she heard the screams and felt heat come from outside the room. The six other boys in this room began to stir and she cursed under her breath.

"Frankie, keep them all under paralysis. We're going to have a guest join us any second."

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