Chapter 1 All Alone

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I woke up to the sound of blood curdling screams.What a pleasant way to start your day I thought, not that I was not used to it by now but you know it gets extremely tiring after the twelfth time.

Suddenly the building started to shake and I fell to the ground I had to get my family out of here before we are all killed.

I run to my parent's room to find that they were not there then I checked my sister's room to find that she also wasn't there all that I saw were little traces of blood...BLOOD!!!!Something must have happened when I was asleep!

I feel tears at the brim of my eyes then I remember that I had to leave before I too was killed.

As I made my way to the door I found the lifeless bodies of my family laying there...but I also saw two snakes intertwined carved on the doors...what could this mean.

I feel like lying down and crying myself to death but I know my parents would not want me to do that so I walk out the door.

Oh how alone I felt!

The first thing I see is chaos. Everything was in destruction. Before I knew it I saw a person who resembled a wrinkled grape. I thought for a second before I realized it was the infamous Thanos. He was much uglier then I thought he would be!

I back away and hide in a ally. Suddenly I hear very audio whispers. I walk down the alley to get a closer look and I see dark figures they looked like...ELVES!!!!

I thought for a second because I did not want to be too rash.I leaned against the corner and listened to what they were saying.

"Thanos knows what he is doing Joe so be quiet!" Shouts one.
"But Steve Thanos is mind controlling Loki!"
"Shut up Bob no one cares!"
"You know that Loki nearly broke out of Thanos' spell not too long ago."

" WHAT!!" They all say at the same time.
I held my breath.The name Loki was very familiar. But I could not place my finger on it. 

Then I realized how quiet it was and froze. Why was it so quiet...AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Suddenly I felt a tugging on my arm I turned around to see  Steve, Joe, and Bob all standing around me!

"I knew I heard something fishy", Joe said.

All I can do is stand there never before have I felt so hopeless...then everything goes black.


This is my first ever book on Wattpad so please tell me what you think! Thank you to everyone who actually reads my trash! ❤️

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