Chapter 19 Evil Scientists Much?

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Note: There will be a change of P.O.V so.....😉!


When we were in front of Odin, Hlin and I  curtsied while Hœnir bowed deeply.

"Your majesty we wish to tell you very...important information." Hœnir announced politely.

Odin nodded and Hœnir continued, "My wife and I have supposedly found our long lost daughter, Melody." Hœnir pointed at me and I did a slight curtsy.

Odin looked at us for a second and then stood up, "Follow me." He commanded.

When Odin finally stopped we had reached a plain white door. He opened it and told, no commanded, us to go in.

The room very much resembled a science lab/ hospital. Then I remembered what we probably were going to do here, blood tests. 

I paused for a second but decided to go in any way. The first thing I noticed was how cold it was. I shivered and then turned to face Odin.

When I turned I not only saw Odin but four other men all wearing white trench coats.

"Melody I would like you to lay on this table." Odin said pointing at a long metal table.

So I laid down and then everything went black.

                   ~Odin's P.O.V~

I watched as Melody's eyelids dropped and then ordered Aaron (the tallest scientist) to grab the kit.

When he asked why I told him we were going to do more than just blood tests.

I quickly ushered Hlin and Hœnir our of the lab and then went to work.

I did do the blood tests and learned that Melody was related to Hlin and Hœnir so I could cross that off my list.

Then I did a little work and was able to see the abundance of magic in her veins and decided to put some in a veil.

Some people say that was wrong or even evil but I say it is far a good purpose.

When I was done I stepped back and waited for Melody to wake up.

                  ~Melody's P.O.V~

I looked around and saw dark elves standing over me cackling evilly.

The took blood samples and I could feel the magic leaving my body. I felt weak and afraid.

When it felt like I had no more magic left in me they all drank it, my magic, out of...goblets!

They suddenly became more powerful and started to destroy everything around them. They destroyed my family, my friends, everything.

Sadness and anger filled me up and I could feel tears fill up in my eyes. Then everything stopped. Time seemed to freeze and I stood up.

Power filled me but it wasn't my power it was evil power. Strength filled me and I destroyed the dark elves along with everything else around me.

Now I am evil and no one will ever love me.

Then just like that I woke up.


Guys I am so sorry! I just had to. I hope that overall you liked it so please tell me what you think. Also what did you think of the change of P.O.V! 😅

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