Chapter 14 Bob the Destroyer

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When I entered the throne room all eyes were on Mjölnir and I. A tall  lady immediately screamed and than fainted along with some other people *cough, cough* Fandral.

Odin was staring at me intently trying to figure something out (probably why I was holding Mjölnir.)

"Uhhh...your majesty...I kind of picked up Mjö ya...." I sputtered probably looking lame.

"I can see that." He said calmly but strained.

Suddenly he turned toward the large crowd in front of him (which I just realized was there) and spoke, "According to the laws Melody Long is now the heir to the throne of Asgard!"

Everyone looked at me, some smiling but others frowning deeply. I did not know what else to do so I gave a small curtsy which seemed to cheer some people or should I say Asgardians up.

Then Odin turned to me and whispered into my ear "We shall discuss further into this later." At that he turned away and walked toward his sleeping quarters without another word.

Before anyone could question me I ran to my room, Mjölnir still in my hands. Why? I thought over and over again.

Suddenly I hear alarms. Someone was attacking the palace!

I grabbed my armer sword and rushed down stairs.

To my surprise the first person I saw was Bob. He looked like a bolt of lightning. He killed everything in his path.

I wouldn't want to get in his way! I thought to myself half smiling.

I spotted Frigga and walked up to her. "Who is the enemy?" I asked quietly.

"We are not sure." She answered, "But they appear to be dark elves."

Joe! I thought, he had gathered his army! At that point I felt like cowering but I knew I couldn't.

Meanwhile Bob was a killing machine. He did not seem the slightest bit regretful even though he knew these elves.

But when I watched him I realized only two elves were fighting, Joe and himself.

It was mad. They both seemed to be winning....but who was losing.

Everyone stared intently at them no one daring to move.

Finally when it seemed as if Bob was just barely winning I walked up behind Joe and hit him across the head with Mjölnir.

Everyone turned and stared at me, shocked. Then everyone starts to applause. I curtsied and then turned around to see that the dark elves had retreated. 

Then everyone patted Bob and I on the back and we basically became celebrities right there.

As I walked away Odin stepped in front of me, "follow me." He said, so I turned and followed him into the throne room without another word.


Hope you liked this chapter! In case you were wondering Joe was dragged away by some of his soldiers so....😉. Please tell me what you think! If you have any suggestions tell me I would love to hear them!😊 Oh yes and what do you think of Melody becoming queen?

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