Chapter 10 Billy, Bob, Joe, and Steve

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I woke up with a start, I heard voices, voices that I never wanted to hear again.

"Did you see half our army get destroyed?" Steve yelled.

"Course I did, but doesn't mean a elemental did it." Grumbled Joe.

"There was fire, water, wind, and earth all involved." A new one said "It was obviously a elemental."

"Billy shut up no one asked you!" Shouted Joe.

Billy, Bob, Joe, and Steve I thought. Who named them? I stifled a laugh and kept on listening.

"We need this elemental on our side." Steve continued "He/She could be the key to destroying the gods.

They all nodded in agreement except for Bob. Then I realized that Bob had been silent the whole time.

"Why do we keep on working for Thanos?" Bob mumbled "I mean he treats us like slaves."

Like how you treated me. I thought to myself. When I looked back I was surprised to see that Bob was suddenly debating with the other dark elves. It was very unusual normally Bob stayed quiet.

The other dark elves must have been shocked as well, for they were standing there stunned. I turned out Bob could hold a pretty good argument.

I listened closely and managed to catch some of the debate.

"...We really should hold a rebellion, maybe we could teach Thanos a lesson." Reasoned Bob.

"Why in the nine worlds would we do such a thing!?" Cried Steve. Billy was obviously on Steve's side and nodded in argument.

Joe just stood there and then said "We do not need to join the enemy, we could make our own side."

They all looked at him as if he was crazy. Personally I agreed with Bob, they would be useful, I mean at least we were not going to treat them like slaves.

"You know, let's give us all five minutes to get started on what we think is right." Said Steve "Billy and I will stay with Thanos and try to capture the elemental, Bob you can join the elemental (he said a little disgusted), and Joe you can make your own army, just remember you have five minutes to leave or we are free to kill each other.

And just like that they went their different ways. I decided to follow Bob and tell him who I was. Soon I found him wondering along the palace grounds, alone.

"Hi." I said casually.

He quickly turned to look at me and nearly fell backwards. "I was just.....I was hoping...uh...please don't kill me." He said stumbling and looking terrified.

"Don't worry." I said calmly "I heard what you said and I will be willing to help you."

When he finally agreed to come with me I lead him into the throne room. When everyone saw me they all stood up. Loki immediately teleported beside me and picked me up. "Where were you!?" He cries.

"Uhh...I kind of fainted in the forest..." I started. "Why were you there!?" He interrupted. "If you had let me finished." I accused "Sorry.." he mumbled.

"As I was saying I wanted to help and I hid in the forest. Then I remembered I was a human and didn't have power and even if I could fight it would not help me. So I concentrated on my emotions and fire and water came from either hand. Then I tried again and this time instead of just two elements come all. After they retreated I fainted. As I awoke I heard voices and I hid only to learn that I was an elemental." As I finished everyone was starring at me intently.

"Uh...You were the elemental?" Asked Bob.

When he said this everyone seemed to just realize he was here.

"You let a dark elf in here!?" Cried Odin.

"He wants to be on our side!" I retaliated.

Nobody looked convinced but Odin finally said, "Okay he may stay here, but you must watch him, but since you are not really good at watching." He said glancing at Loki. "Loki you will also be in charge."

Loki did not seem bothered by this and he placed me down.

"Oh yes and...Bob please stay here we would like some information if that is okay with you. Bob nodded and stayed behind.

Then Loki whispered in my ear "Come with me, I want to show you something."

And just like that we were gone.


Hope you all liked this chapter. Please leave any comments you have. If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes I would like to know so I can fix it! Oh yes and how do you feel that she is an elemental (they control the elements water, fire, wind/air,earth, and of course CHEESE!!)🧀😂

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