Chapter 15 Princess of Asgard

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As we reached the throne room I turned and faced him.

"You understand that you will have many responsibilities." He said casually like it was nothing.

"Yes your majesty I do." I said copying his tone but giving a small curtsy.

"Good." He said handing me a pamphlet "read this it will tell you what to do. Have a nice day princess."

Before I could ask anything he added "Oh yes and I highly advise marrying one of my sons so....think about it."

I stood there for a minute dumbfounded than I turned and quickly hurried out. What could he mean?

I ran to my room and than sat down to read the pamphlet. It read,

Princess Melody Long of Midgard read,

Since you are to be a princess you must learn to act and look like one. 6:00 am every Friday and Monday morning you will be taking etiquette lessons from Queen Frigga of Asgard. You will no longer be a handmaiden of Frigga but a student. Loki will continue to teach you magic on Tuesday and Thursday after lunch. Sif and the warrior three will continue to train you but more on the tactics of war. I (King Odin of Asgard) will personally train you the history of Asgard on Wednesday from 6:00 am-7:30 am. This will all start next week.

Best of wishes,
King Odin of Asgard

The rest of the pamphlet showed me charts and stuff I would learning.

I read it over a few more times and than realized I had not had dinner so I walked to the dining room.

I was immediately greeted with curtsies and bows. I stood there for a moment than I realized I was now a princess and a future queen....oh good for me!

I curtsied in return and than went to sit at my usual table but was stopped by Frigga.

"Dear why don't you come and sit at the royal table?" She asked pointing at the table at the head of the room. Sitting there was Odin, Thor, Loki, and soon Frigga and I were also sitting there.

I took a seat in between Frigga and Loki and waited for dinner to be served. There was a selection of Saehrimnir and a selection of Heidrun.

When I was offered mead I turned it down but when I saw the sad expression on their face I expected one and took a small sip. It was not that bad actually so I continued to drink small sips.

During dinner we discussed Thanos and I told them about Billy,Joe, and Steve (they already know Bob).

When they learned that Joe was trying to get to me, along with Billy and Joe they all erupted into debates.

Some of the royal family believed they should use me as bait while the other half believed I should be kept safe in the palace. Honestly I disagreed with all of them.

Then finally they asked me what I thought. "I believe that I should not be used as bait but I do believe that I should be able to fight." I said confidently.

At this I heard cheers and whistles from the other gods, goddess, and handmaidens.

All the royal family agreed and we talked more about what I was going to do as Queen.

After dessert I excused myself and went to my room. A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

Loki walked in and leaned on the wall.

"So you are future queen now." He said in a boring tone.

"Ya," I answered, "How about that."

We looked at each other for a while and than he spoke up, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Well I have been pretty busy," I said stating the obvious.

He nodded and than walked out.

I turned off my lights and than thought to myself, tomorrow is Monday, I better be ready for my etiquette lessons.

Than I closed my eyes and fell into a deep, comforting sleep.


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