Chapter 2 You are my slave!!

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I woke to the sound of voices and cries. Where could I be? I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a cage...surrounded by other cages...with people in them!!

Then I look up to see a dark elf standing in front of me.

" Good morning slave glad to see you are not dead just so you know you you are to call me Master or sir, nothing else, you understand." He says with a little too much enthusiasm.

All I can do is nod my head so that he can leave but of course he does not.

"You look strong maybe you could be a guard if you had the right training." He said as he opened the cage and grabbed me by my arms.

As we pass the other cages I could feel all the hungry stairs of the imprisoned people. I shudder and look down, this was going to be a long day.

As he dragged me I tried to think of ways to escape. Not many ideas came to mind so I was left with one choice.


It has been almost a year and no one has yet to come and rescue me from this wretched place. So much for a plan.

I lay down and cry like I have done many times before yet it has changed nothing. Being a slave meant misery and pain. What hurt the most was the fact that I guarded (with a chaperone)
all the other cells and it hurt my heart.

I sat there and thought. It gets really dull when you sit around guarding and sleeping and occasionally eating.

I walked to the cell next to mine and peered in. What I saw surprised me. I saw a woman holding a small infant. The child was crying and the other guards came up to them and tore the child out of the mother's arm and I could feel the tears running down my face.

Suddenly I found my self shouting and telling the guards to stop. I felt a guard grab my arms and drag me away.

How could they hurt a child so young?

I look up to see that I am now in a darker cell... a colder one. I shudder. Did they expect me to stay here?

I look around and see that I am all alone. Why am I here? What could I possibly have done to be throne down here?

I sit and think. Was I talking out of turn? Well if I was I don't care I hated to see people suffer...unless they deserve it.

I sat there for a while till I heard a loud BAM!!! I look around again and see the door at the end of the hall rattle.

Suddenly it bursts open and I see soldiers walking in but not the dark elves...THEY WERE ODIN'S SOLDIERS!!!

They walked up to my cell. I looked up and saw them break open the door but instead of grabbing me ruffle the ask me to stand in a soft but commanding voice.

I stood without a moments hesitation. If he was offering me freedom I was not going to turn that down.

I followed the through the midst of what looked like a war and stayed in their shadow.

When we reached the outside they told me to get on the horse for they were going to ride to Asgard!


Hope this was good! Sorry if there were any grammar or spelling mistakes it is my first time. Please leave comments on what you think!😄

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