last will and testament

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'people say that family is God's gift, from what I see, it's my endless curse'

The four of us — I, Luke, "Dad", and Mom's attorney sit in an awkward silence for what it seems to be 10 minutes in my isolated living room upstairs. I asked Luke to accompany me to this will reading. Swear to God, another surprise I'll jump out from my bedroom window and join Mom eternally.

"So, let me get this straight, Ben Stevens is Beatrice's Dad?" Luke finally opens his mouth.

"Who's this kid, again?" Ben raises his left eyebrow, like what I usually do from time to time. So, that's where I got that useless gift.

"You don't get to talk." I bark at him.

"Okay, everyone please calm down." The attorney raise his both hands, trying to diffuse the very intense situation. We all sit in silence, again. "Okay. Now, we are calm, I'm going to read Isabella's will."

"Okay." Ben and I say at the same time.

I hold Luke's hand and squeeze it. Everything is so unreal. Mom died, she had an attorney and a will, the so-called father is here, I think I'm going to explode. I'm only 16. Homeworks, popular kids, a crush on a boy are things I should deal with, not this.

"Sorry, I'm late."

We all turn our head to the man's direction. He's old. Is this a funeral or some of prank show? because I swear, this day is getting more absurd and weirder.

"We haven't started. Please, take a seat Mr. White." Mark smiles at the old man.

Mr. White? Wait, is he Mom's father?

Luke holds my hand and holds it very tight. It feels like he can read my mind. I can't cry on my Mom's funeral but I feel I want to cry right now because all of this surprise. I can't handle this.

"Beatrice, this is Peter White. Your grandfather."

"Yeah, no shit." I roll my eyes and cross my arms, trying to be defensive.

Four men in this room is holding their silence on my hostile remark.

"Okay, now we all are here. I'll start the will reading.

I, Isabella Sapphire White, being of full age and sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and annulling any and all Last Will and Testaments or Codicils at any time heretofore made by me.

I. CHILDREN: I have the following children:

Name: Beatrice Violet White
Date of Birth: 30th September 2001

II. EXECUTOR: I appoint, Mark Swindell, as Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and provide. If this Executor is unable or unwilling to serve then I appoint, Terrence Swindell, as alternate Executor. My Executor shall be authorized to carry out all provisions of this Will and pay my just debts, obligations and funeral expenses.

III. GUARDIAN:  In the event I shall die as the sole parent of minor children, then I appoint, Benjamin Jasper Stevens, as Guardian of said children. If this named Guardian is unable or unwilling to serve, then I appoint my father, Peter Grant White,  as alternate Guardian.

IV. BENEFICIARIES: I give all my property and assets to my children, Beatrice Violet White."

I don't hear the rest of the will further more. I look at Luke, he's just confused as I am. Mom never discussed about any of this with me. We were always positive she can beat her cancer, or maybe I was too naive. And naive enough to never try to dig her past which comes to me like a wrecking ball.

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