time heals all wounds

78 11 32

'sometimes, time can be a bitch'

"Beach? We ditch school to go to beach?" I ask when I hop off his motorcycle.

Can't believe he's taking me to the beach. Troy smirks at me while taking off his helmet.

I try to take off his helmet but it's stuck; the strap is stuck.

"Don't laugh. Help me get off of this thing."

Troy is still laughing when he walks closer to me. But he helps me anyway. The strap is magically off when he unbuckles it. His eyes are smiling amusement at me.

"I said don't laugh." I pout at him. He says nothing and puts the helmet on his mirror. "So, why are we here?"

"Well, Luke always told me how you love beach and he planned to take you but never got a chance because you were busy taking care your Mom."

I raise my left brow, "he talked about me?"

"All the time. It's weird though, he rarely talked about his girlfriend and yet he can't stop rambling about you."

I feel a smile creeps into my face and a warm feeling running through my whole body. I have no idea that Luke talked about me. It doesn't matter if he talked about me to troublemaker next to me, I'm just happy he talked about me.

"Stop daydreaming. Come on." Troy's voice brings me back to the reality.

He runs and puts down his bag carelessly, then takes off his shoes. I chuckle a little and follow him. He runs to the water and runs back at me and continue doing that back and forth.

"You seem more enjoying this than me."

He throws me the biggest stupid grin I've ever seen. I think I never see him this loose or happy. He always maintains some sort of reputation in school.

"Are you going to stand there or join me?" He shouts at me.

I run and do a handstand forward roll. When I'm back to stand perfectly, I hear Troy claps his hands in excitement.

"Damn, Mrs. President, I never knew you can do that."

I ignore his admiration and do the roll four times more. It clears my mind. When my legs are hanging in the air, all I could think about is how I should keep my balance so I won't fall. But the moment my feet touches the ground, I get my reality check back. I run and take a leap and do the roll.

This time, Troy claps his hands even harder. We both running at the beach, feeling the sand in our feet and wind breathes in our faces. Sometimes we chase one another. I forgot how it feels to be a teenager and be free, not worry about consequence. I forgot how it feels to live at the moment.

My breath is in a minimum level as I try to catch Troy. Damn, he's really a fast runner.

I pant and sit down. Savoring the view in front of me. I look at my skin, it's getting red because the sunburn but it's totally worth it.

"Grandma." Troy mocks me while chuckling.

He stands in front of me, blocking the sun. I can see his navy t-shirt wet because of his sweat. It's gross, but it still looks sexy because it's Troy we're talking about. Unrealistic, I know.

He crouches, making his face is literally in front of me. I feel his brown eyes are absorbing my soul. Okay, I'm getting absurd.

"I'm sorry I can't come to your Mom's funeral yesterday."

I quickly avert my gaze from his eyes. "It's okay. We're not friends." I smile at him. He seems hurt by my words. "I mean, we're not that close."

He nods, "why are we not friends?"

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