birthday tradition

23 5 16

'you make my dopamine levels go all silly'

I ring Troy's house bell anxiously. Everything about him is making me anxious and nervous.

I wait patiently with the wind's playing with my hair. Ben and Luke just dropped me off then they went. I look around and the sun begins to set. I'm still wondering what kind of date Troy prepared for me.

I ring the bell again, but still no answer. Maybe he goes somewhere.

I turn around ready to leave then suddenly the door opens. I turn back and see Troy in his white Pulp Fiction t-shirt and green striped pajama pants. He looks like just woke up but still handsome as ever.

"Prez." He rubs his eyes.

"Hey." I smile, try to hide my nervousness.

"What are you doing in here?" He leans on the door frame.

"You forgot to tell me today is your birthday." I extend my hand showing him the cupcakes bag.

He doesn't say any word but widens the door and pulls my hand to come inside his house. He closes the door behind us then leads the way to his basement. I walk downstairs and admiring the room I just step in. The game room is a more suitable name than a basement. There's a pool table, mini refrigerator, comfy couch, TV, and of course Playstation 4.

I put the cupcakes bag on the coffee table in front of sofa then sit next to Troy who already sits in the sofa.

"Where's your Dad and your brother?" I ask while still look around.

"Went to Dard's school field trip to San Francisco."

"So, you're alone?" He nods his head. "I'm sorry I bail on our date."

"It's okay. You're here now, that all matters now."

I lean closer to him and kiss his left cheek. "Happy birthday, Troy Sullivan. I wish you all the best."

My action startles him a little, then he smiles. "Thanks, Beatrice. So, what did you bring?"

"Ohhh." I take out the cupcake box and opens it. "I bought you chocolate cupcakes. I don't know what you like. I hope you like it."

I put the mini candle on each cupcake. Troy can't hide his smile and helping put on the candles.

"I like everything from you and about you."

A warm feeling appears on my cheeks. "Stop hitting on me and blow the candles." I say as I finish lighten up all candles. "But, make a wish first."

To my surprise, he cups my face with his left hand and brush my lips with his thumb then bring our face closer. He kisses me, sweet and gently. I grip his t-shirt on his waist and kiss him back. He breaks the kiss and kiss my nose.

"I already got my wish." He smiles widely then blows the candle.

We eat the cupcake and it's delicious. Not too sweet and not too bitter. I tell Troy what happened earlier minus Luke's parents trouble. I just tell him Luke got into a fight and he pushed me away because Candace gave him an ultimatum.

"Your best friend is a moron." Troy says while grabbing a second cupcake and shove it to his mouth.

"I know, right?" I laugh looking at him eating the cupcake. Few of frosting is on his cheek.

"I like your sweater."

"It's my precious sweater." I put down the cupcake wrap and clean my mouth with the tissue. "You left something on here." I point at my right cheek.

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