a bet

37 6 20

'don't ever doubt your worth'

"Hey, beautiful." Troy's voice startles me.

I turn around and see him leaning on his car with his arms folded. "What are you doing in here?"

"Picking you up to school." He grins.

I scoff. "I can go to school on my own."

I walk passing him while straighten my bag. He grabs my arm, stopping me.

"What are you wearing?"

I look down to see my sleeveless white shirt tucked into my blue midi plaid skirt, then I lift my head to see him. "A girl clothes?"

He chuckles, "cute skirt." Then his face turns to serious, "but no for the shirt."

I furrow my eyebrow. "I can wear this. It's an appropriate attire for school, and it's California, sleeveless shirt is not a crime, it's a mandatory."

"I can see your round boobs perfectly."

"I'm wearing an undershirt." I half scream at him. "There's no way you can see what's inside my clothes."

"Yeah okay. I can imagine your round boobs perfectly."

"Troy." I roll my eyes at him.

"Prez." He rolls his eyes back at me. "It's too tight. And if I can imagine your boobs, then the other guys at school can do that too."

"They have an entire cheerleaders team to look at."

He throws his head back and groans. "Ughhh. You're so stubborn."

"And you're making no sense."

Troy turns his back and grab something from his inside car. "Wear this."

"It's a sweater." He nods annoyingly. "It's April in California, Troy. Who the hell is wearing a sweater in April in California?"

"My girl. My girl is wearing a sweater in April in California, so the other guys won't look at her perfect body."

"I swear to God-"

Suddenly Troy puts his sweater on me, forcefully if I may add. I have no choice then lose my bag and give it to him harshly. I put on both sleeves. His sweater is too big for me, so I fold the sleeves to my wrist.

"What are you doing?" He asks while I'm tucking the front sweater to my skirt.

"It's too big."

"No, leave it. Your ass less visible that way."

I look at him at disbelief. "You're not my parents. And sure as hell you're not my boyfriend. So, you don't have a right to-"

He suddenly kisses me and grabs my waist to his embrace. I grip his arms and kiss him back. Then he breaks the kiss, leaving me speechless.

"Thought that might shut you up." He smirks. "Now, come on. We're gonna be late."

I kick his left foot slowly before get inside his car and smiling while buckle myself. Troy's chuckling when he sees me smile, making my smile vanishes in a split second and change into a pout.


School looks normal. Everyone looks normal. Probably, I'm the only one who isn't normal because Troy gave me a ride to school and now everyone is staring at us when I get off from his car. To make matter worse, he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I feel all eyes are on me and they're whispering about me.

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