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"Thank you for meeting me here." I look at a paper on my hand then move my gaze to my new housemates. They all sit obediently in silence and I'm sure with guilt. "Well, I'm happy that you all live in here," I sigh, "but, I'm sure not happy about the house condition right now." I look around at my living room.

Beer bottles, cigarette butts, a pizza box, food wrap, and other junks are everywhere. It's been three days since my house became a full house. I don't mind, really, at first. But, after a hectic day at school or simply a bad mood, I want to go to a nice, clean, comfy house. And yet, a homeless camp are way much better than my house right now.

"Last week Ben suggested that we should hire a walk-in maid. But, I didn't agree. Because maid in California can not be trusted when there are celebrities in the house." I look at a paper in my hand again. "So far, we've come great by avoiding paparazzi, thanks to Mr. Darry and all of your fake moustaches and weird beanie hats." Matt is chuckling a little. "Now, I've made a chores schedule and set list of rules." I hear Luke groans. "Hey," I point at Luke, "rules are fun."

I spend the next ten minutes, explain the chores schedule to everyone. I explain the rules too including no drinking alcohol and smoking inside the house. Four of them can do it in the backyard outside the house. And of course, no girls are allowed. Roland was protesting but gave in after Ben patted him slowly on shoulder.

I call off the meeting after everyone agreed with the chores and rules then head to kitchen to grab the water bottle. Ben follows me to the kitchen and sits on the stool.

"You really are your Mom's daughter." He flashes me a warm smile.

"Yeah, well, I learnt a lot from her."

He grabs my bottle and drinks it, "I remember she always yelled when all of us making the house messy after practicing and instead of cleaning it we all lying around and smoking weed." His eyes spark with memory. "If it wasn't for her, the band wouldn't survive."

"You smoked weed?"

He cringes, "I forbid you to smoke weed." I lean on the refrigerator and laughing. His face turns gloomy making me stop laughing. "I miss her."

"Yeah, me too."

"Do you want to take a ride? Just two of us."


I walk to the front door and step outside. Ben says bye to the housemates and leads me to his car. On our way, we sit in silence. The radio is playing Diamond Rio's One More Day. I take a glance at Ben, he's focusing his sight to the road in front of us, but he can't help it but let his tear falls when the song playing its chorus. I close my eyes and enjoying Marty Roe's angelic voice.

He pulls up at the Pier parking lot, but sits still. It seems we're not going out.

"I'm not very fond of beach, even though I lived most of my life in LA. But, Izzie, she loved beach more than anything." I rest my head at the window and looking at Ben. His voice is trembling and his eyes are sad. "She was my best friend. I've known her since forever. We were like you and Luke. But, I always love her more than a friend." Ben looks at the Ferris Wheel with an empty sight.

"If you love her that much, why did you leave her?"

Ben smiles nervously. "She left me. After she got pregnant, I was ready to leave everything behind and be with her. I promised her that I'd marry her and raise the baby- you together." He sighs as the burden of the world is on his shoulder. "We were in college when I formed the band. When Izzie was pregnant, the band was in the midst of signing a record deal with the label. I told her to wait, I said I needed one more day to tell the band that I'm going to quit and live my life with her. She agreed." Ben rests his head on the headrest. "But, the next day she was gone, leaving only a note saying she can't do this, and it's not right for me to leave my life for her."

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