the game

31 5 14

After the last period ended, the amphitheatre are filled with students for the pep rally before the baseball match. I'm on the backstage catching up with Mr. Hernandez who happens to be a coach for our baseball team. I peek to the stage and crowds outside, I can't find Troy anywhere. The football team and baseball team are not that friendly toward each other. I don't know what's the original story behind their cold war but I guess it has something to do with they are being our school prides, and they just can't share that title.

I excuse myself and walk to the bench and sit next to Piper to watch the pep rally.

"I didn't know you're into this thing," I shout a little while place my hand above my head to avoid the sun.

"Me neither, but my boyfriend is playing, so... you guess the next."

"Your boyfriend?"

She nods. "Cooper."

"Wow, congrats," I handshake her hand making she confused. "Since when?"

"Man, you have a weird reflex," Piper shakes her head. "Since the whole crowdfunding thing. Andrew told me that Cooper had a thing for me but afraid to asked me out."

I smile widely. "Well, well, well, isn't my VP a little matchmaker?"

Cooper Anderson is the catcher and also Andrew's best friend. He's not in student council but I know him pretty well since he sometimes randomly came to my unofficial meeting with Andrew. I turn my head to see the stage and see Candace leads her squad to the stage then followed by the baseball team. Piper and the other students shout in excitement. Mr. Hernandez gives a pep talk with his short speech. After the pep talk and officially dismissed, the crowds scatter and heading to the baseball field.

I was going to sit in the bench with Piper when Andrew waved his hand to me and suggesting me to come to the field. I walk to the field and approach him.

"What?" I say while still covering my sight from the sun.

"Why don't you sit with the coach in there?" He points at the Mr. Hernandez's direction.

I'm oblivious to many things, but not to this one. Troy didn't have to spell it out for me that Andrew has a crush on me. But, I don't want to lead him on to something. I look around to find that troublemaker appearance.

"Looking for someone?" Andrew asks me in a flat tone.

"He promised to come and support you and the team." I say while still looking at the benches.

Andrew laughs then stretch his arms. "The chance of the football team comes here to watch the game is slim to none."

"I guess. Go warm yourself," I pat Andrew's arm.

I turn around to walk to Mr. Hernandez's direction, when suddenly a noise drum roll roars into the field. Troy, Luke and bunch football dudes walk to the bench followed by few members of the drum band. They bring posters shouting 'Andrew We Love You', 'Baseball Rocks', and many, many other support words stating in the posters. The crowds cheer even more for the baseball team. Leave it to Troy to make a simple support as a grand gesture.

I turn my head and wave my hand to Andrew then point at the audience bench. I run a little to Troy and Luke.

"And I thought you guys despise the baseball team," I can't hide my smile.

"Someone was really persistent on showing our beloved baseball team a support." Luke folds his arms and points Troy with his head.

"Thanks. It means a lot." I smile at Troy.

Troy bows a little and leans in then taps his cheek with his finger.

I roll my eyes and push his face gently. "You wish, Sullivan."

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