basketball day

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'the simple act of paying attention can take you a long way' ‒Keanu Reeves

"What are you doing in here?" I shout from my porch.

Luke and his majestic Hummer is already outside my home. He never gave me a ride to school anymore since he became Candace's boy. I usually ride my bike or walk to the school because it's really not that far. Besides, it's good for my health to keep moving and being active.

"Thought I'd pick you up."

"Why?" I walk closer to him and his car.

Luke is leaning on the car door with his leg crossed and arms folded. He looks like doing some sort of photo shoot in that pose. And he really looks great in those jeans jacket and black Arctic Monkeys' AM t-shirt.

"Because, I miss riding with you."

I squint my eyes, "lie. Spill the bean, Wilson."

"Candace and I are in fight."

I furrow my brow, "why?"

"I'll tell you when I'm in a mood to talk about that."

He opens the car door for me. I nod and climb on to his car. I really like his car, it has a strong coffee scent inside. Luke still won't tell me what car perfume he uses. The only downside from this car is the height of this car, it's really inconvenience for me to climb inside his car. Oh, and the other downside is Luke totally made out with his girlfriend in this car, which super gross.

Luke got his dream car last year on his birthday. I remember Luke's Dad called me two weeks before his birthday and asking me about Luke's car choice, because he was not sure if his boy still love VW Beetle. I laughed at that time and confirmed that Luke had moved on from VW Beetle to Hummer H3. And booyyy, it was really a pricey car and kind of hard to found. I remember clearly Luke's face and his expression when his parents led him to the car. He was super duper happy and excited. He jumped while clapping his hands. Luke is always transparent. He lets out his emotion and expression really easy. People don't have to guess about his feeling or his mood. And he's an honest person. One of quality I always admire from him.

Luke is an only child, his parents really spoil him because his Mom was having trouble to get pregnant. When she found out she was pregnant after six years of marriage, they was really over the moon. Since then, they are really devoting to Luke and sometimes spoil him too much. And thank God, Luke is my best friend, and he's growing up to not become one of those school asshole.

First day going to school with his car, all eyes were turning on us. I felt like a celebrity when I hop off from his car. Luke instantly became a chick magnet. He was a chick magnet before the car, but after the car, my locker was full with girls giving me the love letters to be given to Luke. Then he set his heart on Candace. Well, what do you expect? Quarterback and captain of cheerleader. Cliché. I know, believe me.

But, being the power couple's friend gave me a place among the jocks and cheerleaders which made my election as student president whole easier. I asked Luke and Candace to help me for the election and campaign and they helped me. One word from the QB and Capt Cheers are enough to move the wheel on our school. I ended up got 87% vote and became the president. It was a big success. Candace threw a big party for my winning. It was wild and memorable.

Luke pulls over and parks his car in his usual spot. No matter how late he was to school, this spot is always empty. It's like specially reserved for him. Perhaps it's reserved like the other popular kids' car on their usual spot.

"What were you thinking during the ride?"

"Just remembering the day you got this car." Luke's already got out from his car and stands next to me. He extends his hand to help me hop off his car. "Thanks."

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