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prompt: whatever you draw on your skin shows up at the same exact time on your soulmates skin.

sean is ten when splotches of ink began to cover his arm, turning his fingertips black. his scream shook the entire house as he ran to his mother.

"mom! what's happening?" sean asked, his body trembling at the sight of the writing appearing on his arm.

"sean, don't worry. it's normal." miya chuckled as she wrapped the boy in her arms. "it's your soulmate."


"it's like a best friend, but more. whenever your soulmate writes or draws on their body it will appear on yours."

"who is she?" sean asked, his hand grazing softly over the printed ink.

"i dont know. don't worry, you have time to find her. in the meantime, try talking to her. you guys are connected."

for years, sean tried his hardest to forget about his soulmate. it wasn't real anyways. it was just a tale his mother told him when he was ten, why would he spend his time looking for his "soulmate" when he has real things to focus on.

when sean was fifteen, when the splotches of ink turned into letters that soon, formed into words. "hey."

sean dropped his book onto the floor, the pages sprawling as his mouth fell open. he tore up his entire room, looking for a pen. "hi." was all he wrote, his hand shaking as he waited for a response, but he never got one.

sean woke up every morning, searching his body for a message, but there was no trace of ink. it's been a week since the small doodles and writing went away and he grew worried. "what if something happened to her?"

he took out his pen, placing it against the inside of his wrist, "are you okay?"

sean waited, and waited but he never received a response. he began to grow worried, his class started in ten minutes and he wasn't even close to being ready.

"yeah, why?" the two words appearing on his wrist as she slipped his shirt off, the cool air hugging his chest.

"i haven't heard from you in a while, i didn't know if something happened to you." sean wrote across his arm.

"sorry to worry you, i've been busy this entire week with dance. i've taken to many clases this week, i haven't had much time to rest."

sean lips turned upwards hearing that she danced, she really was his soulmate. he grew eager to learn more about her.

"you dance?"

"yeah, i took jojo gomez's class on friday and man am i sore. have you heard of her? she's great."

sean's eyes widened as the realization hit him, he felt as if he was going to vommit.

he was at jojo's class on friday.

"yeah, i was actually there too." he wrote, his hand shaking as he waited for her response.

"do you think we've met?"

"i don't know. i would like to think i've met my soulmate." sean said a smile dancing across his lips as he read the letters printed on his hand.

"i hope so."

"me too."

when sean said soulmates weren't real, he took that back really quick after spending sleepless nights talking to his.

his arm was covered with writing as the night sky faded away and soft snores escaped his opened mouth.

any chance they had, they talked and they still hadn't revealed who they were. it didn't matter.

for the next two years sean would wake up to little doodles on his cheeks, and little messages hidden across his body. "good morning."

"i want to know who you are. when can i find out?" sean wrote, smudging the ink a bit.

"so do i, but i'm scared. what if you don't like me or you think i'm ugly?" his soulmate wrote on his forearm.

"we've been talking for two years, trust me if i didn't like you i would not still be talking to you. and i like you for who you are, not what you look like."

"i like you too."


"sean! wake up!" kaycee screamed at the top of her lungs as she threw herself against him.

"jesus ch- kayc what the hell?" sean snarled, rubbing his eyes as she drew the curtain open.

"i need your help. so get up and get ready."

"first of all, a please would've been nice and second, how the hell did you get in?"

"please, and serris let me in." she smiled as she pointed to the doorway. serris' head peaked out the door her camera turned towards them on the bed. she quickly pulled back her camera as she fell out into the doorway, "hi." she waved.

"what do you need help with?" sean asked, sitting himself up as he scrolled through his instagram feed.

"can you help me repaint my room?"

sean's eyes rolled to the back of his head as she threw a pillow to her face, "really? this is the fifteenth time you've repainted it!"

"yeah, but you've never helped and since i'm bored and you have no plans today, you're helping me, now get dressed and meet me at my house in 5."

sean groaned as he slid out of bed, jumping at the touch of the cold floor. he threw on some old clothes and began walking to kaycee's.

he opened the front door to his house, waving to her parents as he walked passed them and i to her room. "please tell your daughter to stop disrupting my beauty sleep."

sean walked into kaycee's room, buckets of paint sitting on top of the dense sheets of newspaper that sat on the floor of her room.

"now, let's get started." kaycee said smiling as she handed him a paint brush.

"kaycee, you're painting it the wrong way!" sean yelled, snatching the paint brush from her hands.

"sean, how the hell do you paint something the wrong way?" kaycee spit, taking the paintbrush back from his hands.

"no, you don't get it back until you learn how to paint the right way." sean argued, as he took the brush full of paint back into his hands.

"give it back!" kaycee yelled as she pulled on the brush.

"not until you learn to do it right!"

sean and kaycee, pulled on the paint brush, trying to pull it away from the other. paint splattered across the walls as the bristles flung the paint. "let go, sean!"

"okay." he said, with a smirk as he let go causing the paint from the brush to fling into her face.

sean erupted in laughter as kaycee's face was covered in blue paint. she began to laugh as well, until she turned silent, her mouth falling open as she stared at his face.

"what are you staring at?" sean asked, nervously fiddling with his fingers as kaycee pointed to his face.

sean got up, annoyed as to why she was messing with him. when he looked into the mirror that was set up in her room, his mouth instantly fell open as he looked at the blue spots across his face, identical to kaycee's.

he turned around, meeting her hazel eyes, tears filling his eyes.

"you're my soulmate."


this was inspired by the amazing @/ weirdo_lewser. their version of this was WAY better than mine, so definitely go check theirs out!!

part 2?? let me know ;)

- kami 🌻

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