2:00 am.

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i apologize in advance, this is really short and it sucks big time. i have been struggling with school so much, i have beyond stressed and overwhelmed which is why i haven't been posting at much.

i felt really sad so i was like i'm going to write a sad oneshot so um,,, here it is...

i love you all and i appreciate your patience as i get my life together 💓

- kami 🌙

12 am - "I'm sorry."

Kaycee stepped out of her car, taking a deep breath as she stood outside Sean's house. As she made her way to the doorstep, her fingers danced along the wall - reaching to touch every crevice, her fingertips taking in every detail.

She makes her way up to the front door, her heart sinking as her gaze fell to the doormat that always welcomed her home. A tear rolls down her cheeks, but she quickly wipes it away - placing her neatly folded sweatshirt overtop it. Dropping to her knees, she places a hand to her mouth. "I'm sorry." Reaching into her back pocket, she pulls out a letter - Sean's name scribbled on the front.

Grabbing the ledge she pulls herself up, and looks into the house camera placed to the right of the door. Tears streaming down her face, Kaycee runs back into her car - and pulls out of her best friend's house for the last time.

1 am - Stars

Her car door slammed shut, a bag swung across her shoulders as her feet hit the sand. Kaycee rolled into a ball against her duffel bag, the sand slashed across her face, arms and legs as if millions of needles were being pressed into her skin all at once.

The sky was dark, decorated by the twinkles of stars so many miles away. Ever since she was little, she had always longed to touch the stars.

Tonight was the night she would

1:45 am - "Take me home."

The light of her phone had woken her up, a cough escaping her chapped lips as she pushed herslef up from her bag - finding the strength to stand. Kaycee's phone lights up, a picture of her and Sean on the lock screen was enough to make her want to jump back into her car and climb back into her bed, just so that she could wake up the next morning to see his face.

But it was far too late.

Kaycee raises her arms, feeling the ocean breeze run through the fingers as she throws her phone into the sand, the screen still lit as she kicks off her shoes, then Sean's sweatshirt - placing it to her nose before discarding it behind her.

She ripped her hair from her ponytail letting it fall flat against her shoulders, where her white gown hung from. Her curls danced through the wind, a whirlwind of her hair making the skin beneath her eye crinkle. She looks back up to the sky, the stars begging her to go home.

and she was ready

she was ready to go home.

"Take me home." Kaycee breaths, biting her lip as the flood of tears began to stream down her cheeks, "I'm ready to go home."

1:48 am

The salty water sinks in between her toes, a faint laugh leaving her lips as a tear falls into the water. The water begins to rise to her ankles, a sweet smile dances across her lips.

just a little more and she'll be home.

1:50 am

The water reaches her chest, its hard to breathe.

1:52 am

She can't feel her toes

1:54 am

Everything is numb

1:57 am

She looks back to shore, waving goodbye to the world she is leaving behind.

1:58 am

She takes a deep breathe

1:59 am

She disappears beneath the water

2:00 am

She is home.

sean and kaycee - one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now