single parenting.

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this is dedicated to my favorite girl - catelyn. she had a dream the other night and it was so vivid i had to turn it into a oneshot. so this is for you bitch & ummmmm

also if you haven't noticed my new book cover it was created by my extremely talented hannabanana that i love so dearly. cathyliz it's literally so amazing and i couldn't ask for anything better.

love you all,
kami 🌻


"Sean, you can talk to me."

"Kaycee, this is going to change everything." Sean mutters, bringing his knees to his chest as his best friend rubbed delicate circles on his back. "I haven't told anyone, so you can't say anything, okay?"

Kaycee nodded, pressing her hand to his cheek. "Okay."

He inhaled deeply, visible tears coating his lashes as his trembling hands gripped hers. "I'm going to be a father."

Kaycee saw the disappointment in his eyes. She never imagined the words coming from his mouth at seventeen years old, and apparently neither did he.

"When did this happen?"

Sean didn't plan for it to happen. It was a Friday night, class had just finished, Sean and his girlfriend, who he had kept hidden from his friends and family, had rented a hotel for the weekend. They were a new couple, only been dating for a few weeks. They never even talked about being sexually active yet.

It was always his dream to be a father, but not at the age of seventeen. He still had his whole future ahead of him. This meant he would have to put his entire career on pause, his entire life that he had become accustomed was all going to change due to one night in a hotel room with a girl he hadn't even introduced to his family.

He knew that there was one person who wouldn't scold him for his mistake, his best friend. So he told her first.

"It's going to be okay, Sean." Kaycee whispered, as he buried his face into her chest, his salty tears soaking her shirt as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I promise, it's going to be okay."

"What about my family, my friends, you... I lied to you guys all this time." Sean cried, taking a handful of her shirt into his hands. "What will my family say?"

"I'm upset you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend. I'm your best friend, you could've trusted me - but I understand why you didn't tell anybody." Sean looked up to her with puffy eyes, a weary smile on his lips. "Your family is going to be upset, but at the end of the day you're their son and they will support you no matter what."

"Thank you, Kaycee, for everything and I'm sorry for not telling you."

"You're going to be a great dad." She pulled his face into her hands, giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek before wrapping her arms around his neck. "I just have one question."

"Go ahead."

"Where did you find the time to have sex, you're literally with me every single day?" Kaycee laughed, which made Sean feel at ease. "Honestly, I have no idea."

"Can you do me a favor?" Sean asked, still buried into his best friends neck. "Will you be there when I tell my family?"

"Of course."


"Guys, I'm going to be a father."

"YOU GOT KAYCEE PREGNANT?!" Serris cried, turning to look over to Kaycee who was sitting across the room, her cheeks red as the sunburn on her back.

"No, I have a girlfriend." Sean sighed, looking around the room, waiting for someone to say something.

The room was full of people, but no one said anything.

Kaycee stood in the corner of the room, a weary smile on her lips as she walked over to Sean, engulfing him into a hug. "I think they just need some time."

"We love you, son." Cheuk breaks the silence, laying his hand onto the boys shoulder. "We are here for you."

The rest of the Lew family had risen from their seats, each wrapping the boy into a hug, whispering comforting words of support. "You're going to be the best father, even if this baby was planned or not. We know you'll do anything for this baby."

Sean was by his girlfriend's side the entire time, he spent most of his nights at her place, holding her hair back as she knelt down over the toilet, or scavenging around the kitchen trying to find something to make her for dinner. He never really attended classes anymore, he usually skipped them to spend the day with his girlfriend, take parenting classes, and rarely to see Kaycee.

Kaycee and him were still best friends, but they weren't able to spend as much time with each other like they had used to, but they both expected that to happen.

They texted everyday, Kaycee always checked up on the baby's health and so as the mothers. Kaycee spent some time with the baby's mother, checking up on her, listening to all the fears she had about child birth made Kaycee never want to have kids.

The past nine months went by quickly, and then Sean was officially a dad. The child birth went smoothly, no complications, except for the fact Sean had almost passed out. Kaycee was in the room with Sean, his girlfriend and Kaycee had gotten very close, they had even became best friends and she wanted Kaycee by her side as well as her boyfriend.

The minute Sean heard his baby girl cry, he knew that he would never let anything hurt him. But he could do nothing to stop her first heartbreak while growing up, not having her mother.

Sean thought everything was fine, that she was happy. They had gotten their own place, their family's visited every week to check in on the new parents and to see their first grandchild. It was until one day he had gotten back from a trip to the grocery store, when he came home to an empty house and the cries of his daughter - Hope.

He had bursted through the nursery, finding his newborn baby thrashing around in the crib. Sean places her against his chest, humming a tune to calm her, but nothing was stopping the cries that were like knives through his chest. So he called the one person who knew what to do. In within a few minutes, Kaycee had arrived. Sean had briefly explained over the phone the situation, so immediately Kaycee took the child into her arms.

Hope had rested against her chest, soft snores leaving her small lips as Kaycee ran her finger gently down her puffy cheek. "Sean, where is she?"

Sean turned to Kaycee, tears rolling down his cheeks as he handed her the note that he found lying beside the small child. The mother of his child had left, with no intentions of returning. "She left."

Kaycee placed the sleeping child back into the crib, before wrapping her around her best friend. "I can't raise this baby all on my own." Sean sobbed into her neck, holding her waist with trembling hands. "I can't do this alone."

"You're not alone." Kaycee hums pressing a kiss to his hair as she strokes his cheek with her hand, raising his chin to meet her eyes.

"You have me."

part two??

sean and kaycee - one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now