when the party's over

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but nothing is better sometimes

once we've both said our goodbyes

lets just let it go

let me let you go

Kaycee threw her head back, the warm liquid coating her throat — the bitter taste lingering in her mouth before downing another. A laugh fell from her lips as the group of friends handed her a new cup, each time with something stronger.

Kaycee wasn't one for alcohol, hell her parents would murder her if they saw what she was doing. The week has been stressful for her, sitting in her garage as music echoed off the walls and the cold tile stinging her exposed skin as she laid sprawled on the floor.

She replayed the choreography in her head for the past few days, the moves seeping into her nights — it creeping into her mind, insomnia humming her awake. Saying Kaycee cried every night was an understatement, because crying didn't rip from every inch of your body, it didn't make you head buzz for days and make you skip meals because of it.

It was like an ongoing nightmare, one she had trouble waking up from.

And it didn't help that he left.

She thought she would get over it, but she didn't. Kaycee spent endless nights, tears soaking her sheets as she read his words — echoing through her mind, screaming, filling every last space in her head leaving no room for other thoughts.

When Bailey invited her to Josh's party, she politely declined, party's weren't her cup of tea. But, after days of it sitting in the back of her head, a party didn't sound too bad.

Kaycee gazed into the mirror, swiping a bit of concealer to hide the dark bags that hugged her eyes, and adding a bit of lip gloss to her chapped lips. She slipped on a crop top, exposing the underwire of her bra and slipped on some shorts, a little shorter than what she was use to but she didn't care at this point. Throwing her purse over her shoulder, she headed towards Bailey's car, shooting her a grin as her best friend looked her up and down. "Damn, Kaycee."

"Im not gonna lie, you make me question my sexuality." Bailey smirked, placing a kiss to her friends cheek as she pulled her into a hug.

"I wouldn't mind experimenting." Kaycee teased, watching as Bailey let out a chuckle. "Okay, lets go before I decide to take up you on your offer."

The loud music echoed throughout the neighborhood, the smell of alcohol burning their nostrils as soon as they entered the crowed house. She shifted uncomfortably, watching as couples attempted to swallow each others whole, grinding up against each other. She felt as if she was watching porn right in front of her eyes.

She sat down on the couch, shifting uncomfortably as her best friend maneuvered herself into her boyfriends lap, placing kisses down his neck.

Kaycee placed the solo cup to her lips, taking a sip of her water as her gaze shifted to a boy across the room — his eyes stayed glued to her body, biting his lip as looked her up and down. Ignoring the whistles that left his lips, she placed a pillow over her body — the feeling of his eyes on her skin made her uneasy. Now she understood why she didn't go to parties, because of men like that. People say, 'Then don't dress like that.' Actually how about men learn how to keep it in their pants and respect women, but thats for another time.

She lifted herself up from her seat, swaying her hips as she walked pass the boy — a flirty smile dancing on her lips as she stopped in front of him. "Stop being a disrespectful little bitch." She spit, anger fuming through her veins as she poured her drink onto his head.

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