sunflower season.

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this is literally my favorite i have written, this is to make up for al the depressing shit lately.

dedicated to cathyliz because i could not get over the coffee shop theme in 'caffeine' , which you guys should all read because it's pure genius <3

love ya

- kami 🌻


Sean watched her from the corner of the coffee shop, her pretty pink lips curved into a smile as she buried her nose into a book, taking sips of her coffee — wincing as she burnt her tongue for the tenth time that morning. The sunlight fell perfectly against her skin as she hummed to the same tune she did every morning. She placed her book down onto the table, meeting his gaze with a smile. His cheeks dusted with fiery peach as he embarrassedly smiled back, watching as a small chuckle left her lips. She probably thinks you're stalking her.

He looks up, hoping to see her buried back into her book, but instead he saw an empty table. Sean sighed disappointedly, taking a sip from his iced latte before shifting his attention back to his laptop. Just as he was about to pack his things he felt a small tap on his shoulder.

There she was. The girl in the corner of the coffee shop.

Her hair was pulled into a low pony tail, a stray curl caressing her freckled cheek as she pulled out the seat in front of him. "Do you mind if I sit here?" The girl smiled, her eyes lighting up as he nodded slightly, his dimples carving into his cheeks as she set her backpack down against the foot of the small table.

"I'm Kaycee." she hummed sweetly, taking a sip from her coffee before placing it down beside his, her nose crinkling as a small chuckle fell from her lips, he couldn't help but think the gold specks of honey dripped from her eyes and into her soul every time she laughed.

"I'm Sean." He said, the faint curve in his lips growing bigger as she held out her hand in front of his face.

"And Sean, what are you drinking today?" Kaycee beamed, lowering her voice as she pointed to his drink.

"An iced latte, but you already knew that because its what I order everyday." He winked, placing the straw between his lips as he watched a smirk appear against her lips.

"Yeah and what makes you think I would know?"

"I know how those pretty hazel eyes of your feel against my skin." He laughed, throwing his head back as her lips slightly parted. "Everyday in line, there's this beautiful girl with a sunflower tattoo just below her ear right in front of me, so I'm sure she knows my name because she's always waiting politely to the side of me as I take my order."

"She's beautiful, huh?" Kaycee hummed, her cheeks turning pink as her hand grazed the sunflower tattoo printed on the back of her ear. "Then why don't you ever talk to her?"

He reached over, taking her stray curl into his fingertips and pushing it behind her ear. "Because sunflowers like the sun, and I'm no sun." His smiling dying out quicker than the wisps of smoke dissipating after a candle flame has been blown out.

She rested her hand against his, a small smile tugging on her lips as she traced incoherent shapes on the back of his hand. "You'll be surprised to hear that this sunflower doesn't really like the sun."

"Yeah, what does she like then?"


Her gaze fell to her book, her face turning red as his mouth began to twitch — fighting back a smile. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

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