the bookstore

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hey guys! so i finally got something up, surprisingly.

this is dedicated to cathyliz she is my biggest inspiration especially when it comes to this type of writing. i love you.

i apologize this was kinda rushed and not the best writing, i've been kinda in a writing block. so im sorry :(

- kami 🌻

It was a cold day in New York, the temperature was in the low 50's - a scarf wrapped around Kaycee's neck as she pulled her sweater up to her nose, taking in the sweet smell of the bakery she had just visited for her favorite freshly baked cookies.

It was only her third week in New York, she had moved for the experience - growing tired of her life back home, she decided to sell everything, say regoodbye to the people she loved to find herself.

Kaycee Rice was a quiet kid growing up, never finding the moment to break from her shell and let her light pour from the pores on her skin. She was twenty years old, and found herself working in an office at the local business. She always dreamed of going somewhere in her life, changing the world, meeting all kinds of people, but there wasn't much she could do stuck at a crammed desk in the back of the room - where no one knew she was even there.

So, she quit. Threw her belongings in the back of her car, flipping off one of her coworkers who did his best to make her life a living hell.

Maybe that was the motive behind quiting, either way she knew she couldnt live in a pencil skirt and tight ponytails for the rest of her life.

Kaycee arrived to New York, only a hundred dollars in her bank account, a few paintings in the back seat of her Tesla she had recieved for her sixteenth birthday and a box of pizza from a week ago.

It's been a week since she's moved to New York. Her apartment was small, congested but there wasn't much to move in, except for a suitcase and a few paintings. After spending most of her week unpacking and figuring out her living situation, she decided that it was finally time to explore her new home.

Kaycee stepped out of apartment into the crowded street, her eyebrows furring as the sun was nowhere to be found. "The day I finally decide to go out it's going to rain, great." She sighs, feeling a drop of rain run down her cheek.

Within only a few minutes, the rain fell down harder - thunder roared through the streets and flashes of light lit up the sky like they we watching a light show. "Shit." Kaycee cursed beneath her breathe as she pushed through the crowds, stopping in front of a bookstore at the corner of the street.

"Hi, Welcome - My name's Sean, if you need help with anything feel free to ask me."

Kaycee didn't acknowlege the boy at the counter, let alone here him. Her attention was drawn to the hundreds of stacks of books, her eyes widening as her fingertips studies their spine each time she passed through an aisle.

"Feeling overwhelmed?" A gentle voice whispered from behind her.

Kaycee turned around, her lips parting as she studies the boy. Dark brown curls toppled over his eyes, an earthy brown seemed together by specks of a comforting smile where his dimples were showcased. "Holy shit." she whispered underneath her breath, her cheeks dusting pink as she realized her thoughts were being said out loud.

The boy crinkled his nose, his fingers tousling through his hair as a small laugh left his lips. "I haven't seen you around here, first time in the city?"

"Sorta, I've lived here for three weeks, but this is my first time exploring i guess." Kaycee bit down on her bottom lip, her heart racing a million miles an hour as he extended his hand out to her. "Welcome to New York, My names Sean." He winked, pointing down to his name tag.

sean and kaycee - one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now