Part one

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I faintly hear some background noise but tune it out in favor of the remnants of dreamland that I can still cling to. I throw my arm over my eyes and snuggle deeper into the duvet. My beautiful dream begins to re-emerge, tanned arms scoop me up and hold me close, peppering kisses on my bare shoulder. I feel a lazy smile grace my lips.

"You look like an actual schizo when you smile like that"

I groan in response and squint my eyes open. I let out a yelp as I do- "Jesus".

"Not Jesus, but pretty damn close Pezza". Jesy is inches from my face grinning at me with her phone in one hand and a large Starbucks coffee in the other.

"For the love of god Jess" I moan as I roll over and shove my face back into the pillow, "I was having a good dream and you ruined it".

"Well by the look on your face you were either about to kill someone or get laid soooo". I glance at her over my shoulder while rolling my eyes "I'm concerned that you think someone would have the same facial expressions during both those tasks".

"Whatever, you need to get your lazy bum up, we're leaving in 15" she called while walking towards the hotel door. " Are you even going to explain to me how you got in here" I yell at her retreating figure.

I heard a faint snort and then "I'm Jesus, remember?" just as the door clicked closed.

I flopped back into the mattress and mulled over the latest dream. It was one in a long line, romantic enough that Jane Austin herself would approve- assuming that is that she didn't mind me replacing Mark Darcy with my tanned goddess. To start with the dreams seemed harmless, one every now and then, but now. I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned.
I was no dream analyst but if I had to guess I had a strong suspicion that I was head over heels over heart in love.

With that thought, I threw my legs over the bed and dragged myself into the shower. 25 minutes later I was semi presentable and made my way down to the lobby.

As I stepped out of the elevator I was greeted by Sam, our manager, "Nice of you to show up Perrie" she gritted out, clearly unimpressed with me being late. I shrugged my shoulders not sure what she expected me to say- I was eternally late to everything.

"Give her a break Sam, she's had stressful morning, isn't that right poppet" Jes said as she threw her arm around me. I didn't trust that look in her eyes one bit.

"Um, I have?"

"Course you have, poor baby was having one hell of a sex dream when I went to wake her this morning- moaning all sorts of things" she goaded while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively "She even let a name drop".

I shoved her arm off me and tried to act normal "Your so full of it Jess" I attempted a laugh that came out more of a squeak. Surely I hadn't let a name slip this morning, had I? I had no idea how long Jesy had been in my room but it was possible given the nature of my dreams. Oh god.

I started to feel a cold sweat run down my spine.

"Leave her alone Jesminda, at least she didn't have sex on the tour bus while we were all there"

A smile crept up my face- my savior.

Jesy let out a loud laugh and stuck her tongue out at me. "Okay girls, enough. We have to move or else we're going to be late to your first interview". Sam began to usher us out the door and into our tour bus.

Once on the bus, I situated myself on the couch and closed my eyes, ready to slip back into my dreams. I heard some faint whispering and then the couch dipped. I groan and open one eye, expecting to see Jesy ready to tease me some more.

"Well that's no way to welcome your so called best friend is it Pez". Brown eyes twinkled with laughter as she poked me in the side.

"Shhhss Jadey, just come here and cuddle me" I leaned forward, grinning and grabbed her by the waist, holding her like a teddy. She pulled back for a minute and looked into my eyes before returning my embrace.

Her brown eyes were so beautiful, the way they shone melted me on the spot.
I wondered if she could see everything I was feeling reflected in them. I was in so deep. So far gone with my feelings for her. The attraction was there, pulling me towards her.

And god knows it was fatal.

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