Part seven

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A/N: Very light smut.


Jesy and Leigh-Anne stayed the night, of course and I spent it wide awake imagining all the ways in which my talk with Jade would go. Around 5 am I gave up completely and wandered into the bathroom. Standing in front of the large bathroom mirror, the girl staring back at me looked vulnerable and small. Squaring my shoulders I let out a deep breath, "You need to pull yourself together woman" I scolded the reflection.

Sighing I reached in and turned on the shower, stepping under the cascading water. I absentmindedly lathered my hair with shampoo as I stared blankly at the tiled wall. I wasn't sure how long I had been in the shower but soon I heard muffled voices from the bedroom. Sighing I washed the last shampoo form my hair and stepped out of the shower, sooner or later I was going to have to face Jade.

I creaked the bathroom door open slowly and peaked around it. "Hi Perrie" I jumped with fright and looked up to see jade looking at me with an amused expression on her face.

I smiled back awkwardly and made my way towards the couch she was sitting on. Playing with my hands as I looked anywhere but into Jade's eyes, noting that Jesy and Leigh-Anne must have left.

"Perrie, it's okay it's just me" she soothed as she untangled my hands and began rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.

"I've thought about what happened last night" she paused, "you're my best friend and I want to help you" I looked up at, unsure where she was going with this.

"Uh. O-okay?" I questioned.

Jade smiled widely and came closer to me, "You're worried about experimenting with girls cause you think it will ruin the band, and like it or not we both know the media would destroy any chance you would have do that. What you need" she continued "is someone you know and trust to help you"

I searched her eyes, surely she didn't mean what I thought she ment.

"I could help you- experiment I mean. That way no one bar the two of us would know and if after we've- um- you know, you don't feel anything well then no harm done and no one needs to find out".

I'm sure my eyes looked like they were going to come out of their sockets. I tried to clear my throat.

"And if I-um- like it, Uh- I mean, what then?" I asked nervously.

"Well then you know you're attracted to women and we'll move from there"

I didn't point out that I was already pretty confident that I was attracted to women, why look a gift horse in the mouth right? I tried to act like I was mulling it over. This plan was perfect, I would get to be with Jade, granted she would think it was only as friends but this was going to be my only chance.

"Are you sure Jade, I don't want to put you in an awkward situation" I wasn't too sure why I was trying to talk her out of this, but I guess it seemed like the right thing to do. Then a thought struck me.

"Um, what about Jed? Won't it technically be cheating?" My heart sunk, there goes that plan.

She arched a perfect eyebrow as she looked at me, "It's not cheating Pez, it's not like I actually fancy you, I'm just trying to help. He would understand".

Ouch. I tried to swallow the sting of Jade's rejection.

"So you're going to tell him then?" She looked at me again and sighed.

"Look I'm not going to tell him, but that's because I respect your privacy and I mean if you're not ready to tell Jes and Leigh, our practical sisters, then I assume you don't want me to tell Jed"

She wasn't wrong there. The idea of telling Jes and Leigh gave me mild anxiety, the thought of telling someone like Jed made me want to crawl under the bed and never come back out. Okay so Jade and I were now fuck buddies. Great.

I looked up at her shyly "Um- Jade, how do we go about this".

"We'll just do what feels right, okay?" She leaned towards me, brushing her lips against the corner of my mouth as she spoke.

"Ya" I managed to reply breathlessly. She grinned at me as she kissed the corner of my mouth again. I groaned, she was going to be the death of me. Unable to take her teasing, I curled my fingers around the back of her neck and brought her mouth towards me.

The softness of her lips made me sigh into her mouth. I turned my head to get a better angle, as my arm brushed against Jade's left breast she omitted a low moan. That was it, the dam inside me burst.

I pushed her back into the couch and crawled on top of her, breaking the kiss only to gasp in a breath. Her lips were addictive, I couldn't stop kissing them. I pushed my leg between her thighs and ground down against her, being rewarded with another loud moan.

I licked at her mouth, begging her to open. Why did Jade have to be so stubborn. I ground my leg down on her core again, applying more pressure and her mouth fell open. Once our tongues met I was drenched.

She began sucking at the tip of my tongue lazily, while her hands traced the expanse of my bank, trailing towards my ass.

I pulled my mouth away from hers to pull in some much needed oxygen, but I just couldn't stop touching and kissing her. I trialed kisses down her neck towards her collarbone. She tilted her head back in pleasure.

"Oh god, pez" she moaned while one of her hands snuck into my hair, pushing my face towards her cleavage. YES PLEASE.

I pulled her tank top down with my teeth, no bra. I smirked, buried my face in between her breast and bit down hard. "Fuck" Jade screamed out, obviously taken by surprise. I grabbed onto the hem of her top, looking for permission before I pulled it off. She nodded at me and that was all the reassurance I needed.

I flung the offending clothing into the corner of the room and looked down at my goddess, taking in all the newly exposed beautifully tanned skin.

"You're so beautiful Jade" I murmured as I bent my head to place a chaste kiss to her lips, before it could turn heated Jade's phone began to ring. She pulled her head away, wriggling around as she pulled the phone from her jean pocket, "It's Leigh".

I groaned and lay down, resting my head on Jade's tummy, "I suppose you better answer so" I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

"Hi Leigh" she began to run her hands softly through my hair "Yes were up" she rolled her eyes at me "okay, see you there, bye lee lee"

I raised my head from my resting place to look up at her, "We have to meet everyone in the lobby within 15 minutes, can we continue this later ?" She grinned cheekily at me.

I was definitely going to like this plan.

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