Part twenty-nine

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A/N: Hi guys, hope everyone is doing okay. Trigger warning loves. As always, here if you need anything xx


I woke up to the insistent ringing of my phone, groaning, I threw a hand out from underneath the covers, blindingly searching for the stupid thing. When my hand made contact with the phone I looked bleary eyed at the screen. Jade's name flashed across it.

"Why are you ringing me at the crack of dawn" I grumbled down the phone.

"Jesy it's 11 am" Jade returned. "I would hardly call that the crack of dawn"

"What do you want Jade?"

"I'm ringing to see what time we're going to Perrie's, Leigh said we could go once you were awake. So-"

"So you decided to wake me at the crack of dawn" I interrupted.

"Come on Jess" Jade's voiced dropped. "I'm worried about her, I need to see with my own two eyes that she's okay"

I ran a hand through my hair. Jade wasn't the only one worried. Perrie was so deep in her despair over losing Jade I wondered if she would even let us past the front door.

"Okay, I'm up. Just give me about 30 minutes"

"Great, Leigh and I will collect you at your apartment"

I disconnected the call, flopped back against the pillows and groaned. Everything was such a mess. Leigh-Anne didn't even know that Perrie and Jade had been together for God's sake. What we all needed was to just get together and let the truth come out. It was the only way we were going to be able to function as band or even as friends. Lies would just tear us apart.

"Hey Jess" Leigh called as I closed the door behind me.

"Leigh, before we get going I just want to say something" Jade looked at me nervously in the rear view mirror. "I value my life so please drive safe"

Jade burst out laughing as Leigh-Anne made an indigent huff.

"I don't see either of you with a drivers license, so hush"

- - - -

Surprisingly the London traffic was light for a Friday morning and so we made it to Perrie's apartment within 20 minutes. As we stepped out of the car I noticed that the curtains were pulled in all the windows.

"Do you guys think she's in?" Leigh asked as we made our way to the front door.

"Only one way to find out I guess" I murmured as I rang on the door.

After several attempts I was starting to get anxious. She defiantly wasn't in South Shields, we had interviews this week, she wouldn't just go home like that, no matter how upset she was. So where was she?

"Try her phone" I said over my shoulder as I rang the bell again.

Jade approached the door, banging on it loudly.

"Pez please open up, I just want to know your okay and then I'll go"

Leigh looked at her confused while she tried Perrie's phone again. Something didn't feel right. I grabbed Jade's hand, stopping her from knocking on the door again.

"Jade stop for a minute" I said, thinking. " Leigh ring her phone again, I'm going to try and listen for it"

I pushed the letter box open as best I could, pressing my ear against it, straining to hear if Perrie's phone was inside. At first I couldn't hear anything, then I noticed a faint buzzing noise coming from inside.

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