Part twenty-eight

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I wonder where you are, what your doing? I imagine you and Leigh-Anne poring over wedding magazines while Jesy makes ridiculous unhelpful comments. It makes me smile thinking of you like that. I wish I could be there.

I'm sorry I haven't answered your calls. It would hurt too much to talk to you now. There is nothing else left to say. I have already told you I loved you a thousand times over and even that doesn't seem like enough.

You know Jesy asked me to try and explain our relationship to her one day. Do you know what I said? I said it was like a boy falling in love with a mermaid. The boy stayed with the mermaid even though he knew that one day she would take him underwater where he would drown and even so he went willingly. He would go for love. Love is funny like that isn't it?

I can't sleep but I dream of you. I dream of bambi eyes and white dresses, of vows and promises. Of things that I will never see. I have to go now Jadey, but know that now as always I am loving you.

Forever yours,
Perrie x

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