Part sixteen

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A/N: Bit of a filler but I'm still sick so forgive me please.


After a few hours our writing session had hit a definite brick wall, apart from some random phrases none of us had gotten very far. I threw my notebook onto the bed in frustration.

"This is pointless, there's no way we're going to have two songs written and recorded in time" I moaned while pinching the bridge of my nose. I needed everyone to just leave so I could wallow and cry to make myself feel better about this stupid album and this stupid infatuation with Jade.

"Come on Pez, you're usually the positive one" Leigh-Anne pipped up "we just need a break. Drinks anyone?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

"Not helpful Leigh" Jesy commented.

"Actually" Jade began "maybe a few drinks is exactly what we need. It'll help us relax a bit, we're never going to write something decent if we're all stressing"

Great, I thought to myself. My emotions are all over the place and now I'm going to be drunk with a girl I'm in love with who doesn't love me back. My life is literally a bad episode of a 90210.

"Yes Jadey" Leigh cheered as she made her way to the hotel phone "I'll order some stuff up now"

"Hey" Jade whispered, so only I could hear her "are we okay? You've been pretty quite"

"I'm fine"

"Is it about the Jed thing, because honestly Pez, Jesy just came in and-"

"Look Jade" I interrupted, looking around before I continued. Jesy and Leigh were too busy caught up ordering room service to take any notice of Jade and I talking.

"Jed is your boyfriend, what you do with him is between you both, I'm just" I took a calming breath "I'm just your friend with benefits or whatever"

Saying it out loud left a bitter taste in my mouth. I wanted to shake her and tell her that Jed could never love her like I love her, but I didn't. Instead I gritted my teeth and tried to force a smile onto my face.

"Thank god, I was worried you were upset about it or something". I met her gaze, she looked relieved. Of course she was, a voice in my head piped up, she would be so freaked out if she knew you loved her.

"Nope, I'm totally fine" I lied, while moving off the bed towards the girls. "Leigh, order more booze" I called out, which was met by an excited squeal of approval from Leigh-Anne. God did I need something to take the edge off.

Two hours later

"Noooooo, what do you mean we have no wine left" Leigh-Anne wailed dramatically.

"Well Leigh, you and Pez demolished two bottles each, Jade and I have only shared two, so that's pretty much where all the wine has gone" Jesy pointed out while rolling her eyes.

"I just love dogs" I continued, as I tried to explain to Jesy about Hatchi and why I loved him so much, while Leigh-Anne searched for more wine "they just get me Jes, they understand my pain"

Jesy pated my head absentmindedly, "I'm not too sure what that means Pezza, but okay, your dogs understands you"

"Girls, honestly, I will never love anyone or anything as much as I love you three" Jade suddenly pipped up from her perch on the couch.

Jesy let out a loud groan "Please tell me you're not plastered too".

Jade burst out laughing. "Don't worry I'm not, I'm just letting you know". She sat up grabbing her notebook "okay ladies, we need to pull ourselves together and write a song".

"I'm drunk" Leigh-Anne giggles from the floor.

"I'm losing patience" Jesy said while giving Leigh-Anne evils.

"I'm bi"

Silence filled the room. Oh fuck, I said that out loud, didn't I.

"I don't get it" Leigh-Anne said, her head cocked to the side like a puppy. I looked over to see Jade looking at me wide eyed.

"It means I like boys and girls- and um that's it really"

Leigh-Anne looked at me in silence for a few minutes, then spoke up.

"That's cool" she said and went back to searching for the wine. There was silence again for a minute.

Then Jade and Jesy both burst out laughing, a few minutes later I found myself tugged into a group hug.

"Our friendship is mental, but I love it" Jesy chuckled as we all pulled away.

"Okay seriously now girls, we need to think of some song lyrics or Sam is going to kill us" Jade said, while getting comfy on the bed.

"What about a song about our friendship" Jesy pipped up "Here, give me that" she said as she grabbed Jade's notebook, scribbling down some lyrics.

"Okay, it's a bit rough but how about something like 'come round mine tonight, I've got wine and makeup wipes'" she looked up at us hopefully.

"I like where this is going" Leigh-Anne added as we all made ourselves comfortable on the bed.


I yawned and rubbed my eyes furiously, trying to stay awake. The alcohol had well and truly left my system and now I felt exhausted and even more emotional.

"Is there any coffee left?" I groaned looking over at Jesy and her full cup with puppy dog eyes.

"First of all, you don't need more coffee we're basically done with the song and second" Jesy let out a loud laugh "those eyes don't work on anyone but Jade"

I rolled my eyes at that as Jade let out a cute giggle. I turned my attention back to the notebook in front of us, it was a bit rough but we had somehow managed to bang out most of a song in a few hours.

"Okay" Jade announced "it's as good as its going to get tonight, let's just get some sleep and we can look over it in the morning"

"Oh thank god" I flopped into the bed pulling off my joggers and getting under the covers in just my underwear and baggy T-shirt. "Night" I mumbled, closing my eyes.

"Seriously Pez" Jesy laughed. I felt the duvet opening as the bed dipped, the light went out and an arm was lazily wrapped around my waist.

"Night girls, love you" Leigh said sleepily.

"Love you" we all replied.

The arm around my waist tightened, small fingers intertwined with mine as a warm breath hit the back of my neck.

"You're my best friend Pez" she murmured as she kissed the back of my neck softly.

"You're mine too Jade"

That's the problem.

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