Part eleven

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A/N: Didn't want to leave it on a sad note, so here's a double update. Enjoy lovelies x Smut.


Five days later

I woke up to a warm weight pressing me down into the soft mattress. Sunlight was beginning to stream through the crack in the hotel curtains. I cast a quick eye to my phone, surprised to see it was only 7 am. Today was a rare free day from press and promotion in which we could enjoy all that Marbella has to offer, but in all honesty I would be happy to stay curled up in bed with Jade.

Jade lay half on my body, with strands of her hair falling from her bun. Small puffs of air filled the room with a soft whistling noise, I couldn't help the smile that lit up my face as I felt her shift even closer to me and mumble something incoherent. 

I had a small surprise organized for Jade today which ment getting up a bit early but I didn't think she would mind so I began to brush the hair lovingly back off her face. She let out an adorable groan but showed no more sings of waking up.

"Jadey" I singsonged "Come on baby, I have a surprise for you". Another groan.

I chuckled and started to place feather light kisses all over her face. She began to giggle.

"There she is" I cooed looking into her bambi eyes "How did you sleep babe?"

"Best sleep ever" she smiled and weaved her hand through my hair slightly scratching my scalp as she did.

"Did I hear something about a surprise" she turned so that our faces were inches apart. I grinned and placed a kiss at the end of her nose, causing her to scrunch it up.

"Honestly J'adore you need to stop with the cuteness, your melting my soul" I cooed at her as a light pink painted her cheeks. Before she could respond I started to pull back the covers. She let out a groan of protest.

"Nooooo Perrie, five more minutes" she grabbed onto my arm pulling me back towards her. I took another glance at the clock, we still had a few hours to play around with so I let myself be tugged back into the bed, almost on top of Jade. I placed my arms out on either side of her head to steady myself and glanced down at her grinning face.

"You look very happy with yourself misses"

"That's because I've got you right where I want you" she replied cheekily.

"And where's that?" She reached up to place her small hand against my cheek "As close as possible" she murmured.

I leant down and placed a chaste kiss against her lips. My arms were starting to burn from holding myself up but there was no way in hell I was moving. Jade sighed softly into my mouth burning up what was left of my self control. I shifted my torso so that my knees were on either side of her hips keeping her pinned to the bed. I pulled away from the kiss and sat back on my knees. Jade's eyes remained closed as I traced the contours of her face with my finger.

"You've no idea what you do to me Jade" I whispered as I ghosted my lips down her neck. She arched it back, inviting me access to even more perfect tanned skin.

"Then show me"

I captured her lips with mine, reaching one hand up to weave into her hair. Losing myself in the kiss I tugged on her hair causing Jade to relax her mouth, pushing my tongue into her mouth I moaned as it met hers.

I could feel my body heating up like I was on fire. I couldn't control it and honestly, I didn't want to. I had been in love with her for so long now and finally I was finding a way to show her. With that burning thought I pushed my hips down into Jade, holding her in place and began to ravish her mouth.

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